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This is a really interesting interpretation of how Carnistir hears music! I loved that he and Maglor have a special link in this interpretation. 

Hmm--I modeled my Carnistir's character on AMC also. I asked Dawn at the time when she was still writing it if she saw him as having some form of atypical autism. And she said she didn't! But my granddaughter, who had at that time had recently been living with me for over three years, was on the autistic spectrum and her behavior and sensitivities reminded me incredibly of her Carnistir.

You give them such a lovely connection.

Thank you very much, Oshun!

I am glad that you liked this interpretation of how Carnistir hears music and how Maglor and he relate to each other! The prompter requested that there should be a special connection. I was sure my Carnistir and Maglor had one, but I had to work out the details for my 'verse. I hadn't written them alone together before, I think, just in group scenes where the focus was on something else that was going on.

I think some of the effects of being not only strongly telepathic, but also strongly empathic, as the Carnistir in AMC is--I recall him picking up emotions almost more strongly than conscious thoughts, although that is probably partly because he is so young at the time of AMC--might well resemble those of atypical autism.  Dawn's descriptions of Carnistir impressed and convinced me, although I do not have such a strong and up-close personal experience of autism as you do.

Sorry for replying so late! I missed your comment, because I was not getting notifications at the time.