Chapter 1
A brisk wind came up and the trees groaned with their stories, whispering to the High King of the Edain as he waited for Gil-galad to catch up. Elendil stood at the foot of the Tower, looking up, and up. "Thank you, Ereinion," he murmured when the Elf joined him. "It is a fine place for the..." He left the what unsaid.
"The Stone," Ereinion murmured back. "Why are we whispering?" he added with a wry smile. "We are alone."
"I do not know," Elendil admitted. "Only, when I am in the presence of...of the Stones, I do not feel alone." He and Ereinion ascended the sweeping, curved staircase, and at the top, they came upon the Stone, standing on its marble plinth, covered by a silken cloth.
"Together," Elendil confirmed, and it was as one that they removed the cover and looked within, seeking the West...and what? Knowledge of Amandil, perhaps...resurrection of an old fear that had haunted him.
Had Father survived? And speaking of fathers... Elendil reeled as though he had been burned.
"What is it?" Ereinion asked, wheeling to face Elendil as the trees whispered outside in the wind.
"I saw...I saw..." Elendil rubbed his eyes.
"Yes?" Ereinion sighed impatiently.
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