Comments on Cold are the waters of Cuiviénen

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Thank you so much and sorry for my belated answer!

This was, I think, the second fanfic I've ever written and one of the first pieces of fiction I've written in English, so I too think it was an ok work for a double beginner.

I'm very happy that you liked my portrayal of Melkor's madness here - I actually get praised quite a bit for my depictions of madness :P. However, if you'd like to read something a bit more polished, read the "Supreme Artist" which depicts Melkor as a religious fanatic who is against any kind of creation (artistic or otherwise). That story is perhaps my only story here which I would even consider recommending.

Again, it is truly an honor to be praised by a writer who, in a way, tremenduously influenced me and whose fan I am.

Thanks again!