The Dagor Dagorath by Marjolenna
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: A short poem and among the very first things I've ever written Tolkien-related. It isn't much, but I hope you enjoy it. Based on the original speculations and in-universe prophecies regarding the Dagor Dagorath, the Battle of All Battles. Major Characters: Melkor, Tulkas, Túrin Major Relationships: Genre: Poetry Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 499 |
Posted on 11 January 2015 | Updated on 11 January 2015 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Dagor Dagorath
Read The Dagor Dagorath
From the Wall of Night he rose up,
Flame and fury in his wrath.
Rose up from his age-old bounds,
The Dagor Dagorath.
From the depths he dragged them all
His servants, his minions, filled with wrath.
Flocked they did to their master's call,
The Dagor Dagorath.
In the heavens fire reigned above,
Destroyed by the Dark Lord's wrath.
Valinor took up arms for their love,
The Dagor Dagorath.
Great fury wraught, great death arrived
The Valar suffered his wrath.
Tulkas fell, their hosts derived,
The Dagor Dagorath.
But as with evil, so came good,
In the face of all his wrath.
Túrin reborn to avenge his Race,
The Dagor Dagorath.
A light in the dark, the sun in the night,
The shield against his wrath.
The Iron of Death and Man's might,
The Dagor Dagorath.
The blade went up, the flames did part,
In spite of all his wrath.
Through Morgoth's heart, Gurthang ran,
The Dagor Dagorath.
Lamentation for all that had been done wrong,
Annihilated by his wrath.
Eru sang the world anew,
The Dagor Dagorath.
(1) Comment by Dawn Felagund for The Dagor Dagorath
I like this a lot! I found your meter and your use of rhyme and repetition to be very effective. I could almost imagine this being sung in a hall. Very nicely done!
Re: (1) Comment by Dawn Felagund for The Dagor Dagorath
Thank you very much Dawn! i'm glad you liked it.