Morning Mist and Silver Sun by StarSpray

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written for the greatstrongbow's prompt on tumblr for a kiss prompt meme: Thingol/Melian + "as a promise"

“We will be overrun,” Elu said, standing before Melian, sword in hand. He was splattered with dark blood that stained his shining armor and matted in his hair, darkening it from starlight to tarnished silver. “Denethor is fallen; we have not heard from the Falas, and I fear the worst.”

Melian lifted her gaze to the skies beyond the trees. Clouds obscured the northern skies, but over Eglador the stars still shone. “Círdan is beset, but his walls are strong,” she said.

“We have no walls,” said Elu. Near them Lúthien stood, still as a statue with her face half-hidden behind the shadows of her hair. Daeron was with her; his flute was silent.

Melian stepped forward and pressed a kiss to her husband’s lips. “I will make walls,” she said. “Bring all who will come to Eglador, for I shall girdle it with my power. Fear not! Melkor knows not these lands, nor loves them as I do. His power shall not overcome mine.” Then she stepped back and raised her hands, and began to sing.

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