Comments on Two months

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

And there we have it.  Ten excellent vignettes to read on a quiet, rainy afternoon in Boston.  I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of these, maeglin, in particular An Ally of Lightning (outstanding description of Tulkas' force, like a nuclear blast without the radiation), Not So Like Lúthien After All (a grim reality here - that in essence, Arwen will take her own life), and finally, Nameless, Named (OMG!  I loved this!  Rockbiter!  Just perfect).

I often find that reading good fan fiction is an effective means for me to jumpstart the Dark Muse (poor fellah - I have enslaved him for months serving the powerful regulatory overlords of Pharma-dûr), and I honed right in on your series of ficlets.  I'm glad I did. 

Aw, thanks Pandie!  Such praise - I'm blushing :).  Yup, I've always thought that that's what Arwen's choice meant.  Elves who love mortals always seem to die when the mortal does -- in Aegnor's case, even if they don't marry.  And hmm, I guess one could think of Tulkas' blast in those terms -- glad the imagery meant something to you.  And I'm really happy you liked Rockbiter!  Never thought I'd work a Neverending Story reference into a Tolkien fanfic, but there it is.  Or even thinking about it more canonically, Gandalf says the Nameless Things are older than Sauron, which is ... pretty damn old, and must make them strange beings indeed!  Anyway, I'm glad you liked these stories :).

I'm delighted you told these stories! I stumbled in here looking for fics featuring Cirdan as a major character, and was treated to a whole treasure trove.

I enjoyed a pleasant hour or so reading through all of these.

Pedantry gave me a chuckle, as did Elros' pedantic insistence on not being half-elven.

Ahh, but Arvedui's ill-fated estel breaks my heart.

I love the image of a hasty Gandalf throwing a name over his shoulder as he chases the balrog. (And that Rockbiter could have so willingly squished the balrog too!)

And the true cost of fighting a war involving the Powers was vividly described—I do imagine Tulkas as rather like a bull in a china shop on a very large scale.

I love your solution for the origin of Rog's name - and his delightfully cocky attitude is so fitting for one of the unbegotten, and it warms my heart that he is friends with Beleg.

The happy AU of Andreth and Aegnor and their children was lovely to slip into. (Well, happyish, this is the Silm after all and Fate has a nasty sense of humour in it.)

And I'm with Finwë wondering whether he had been right to bring his people West... although of course I have the benefit of hindsight. Or foresight? Or readersight? Whatever it is.

Loved this, thank you!