Not Wholly Fruitless by maeglin

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Behind the Chair

Imladris, T.A. 2


 "You know very well that Elrond has always preferred to be the power behind the throne.” 

Glorfindel, exasperated, nearly shouted. "How can he be the power behind the throne when no one sits it?  Who could possibly think that Elrond is anything less than our rightful King?  And who could think that the King should be anyone but him?"

Erestor scowled.  "Who, indeed?  Galadriel, for one, but she cannot very well challenge his claim if he does not make it." 

He then paused, waiting for the workings of his friend's mind to take their course, before adding "Indeed he renounces even the title Lord.  Now, why might he do that, do you think?"

The warrior stared determinedly out Erestor's window, at some half-grown youths playing a game of chess.  Well he knew of Elrond's childhood, growing up in the care of the last sons of Fëanaro.  Maitimo had ceded the High Kingship to Nolo because…

Then he laughed loudly.  "He intends to be the power behind his own chair!  Our King shall rule the Noldor in the guise of the wise, kindly, and vaguely sorrowful Master of Imladris."

Erestor then broke into a grin the likes of which had not been seen in the valley for several yeni.  "Brilliant, is it not?  Devious, cunning and above all, confusing.  If Galadriel ever figures it out - and I doubt she will - it will be only after it is far too late to challenge him.  Good!  Only the Valar know why she thinks we would ever follow her, of all people, but clearly she does.  It seems her band of Silvan sychophants has addled her mind.  Pity, that." 

Such an attitude made Glorfindel rather sad, no matter that he could in no wise condemn it.  His fair cousin had once been the brightest jewel of the House of Finwë.  But Artanis of Tirion was long lost.  Only Galadriel remained.

Chapter End Notes

yeni is the plural of yen, the Quenya word for the Elven "long count" time unit, 144 years.

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