Confidence Restored by Scribe of Mirrormere

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Fanwork Notes

A true drabble that uses these prompts from the Tolkien Femslash Week bingo:

O41: Lyrics & Poetry: I sing for love, I sing for me, I'll shout it out like a bird set free (Sia)
O41: Opposites attract: optimist/pessimist
N19: Emotions: Confidence
G31: four words: ocean, thousand, ceramic, fever
G31: Pairings: human/Ainu

Fanwork Information


When Haleth feels hope fades she reaches for light within and seeks her out.

Major Characters: Haleth, Nessa

Major Relationships:

Genre: Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 570
Posted on 18 July 2016 Updated on 18 July 2016

This fanwork is complete.

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