
The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

It's a novel! Wow! Welcome to the SWG and really hope you enjoy posting here. Just began reading it; finished the first chapter and have to jump up and finish making dinner. (Sorry--TMI.)

The language is well done. It is not easy to achieve a "high tone" without sounding stiff when placing words in the mouths of the Valar, but "hey, yo, what's up" doesn't work either. You seem to have found a nice balance. I am curious to see what will come next. Even the best and most pure of heart of the exiles--like Glorfindel--are under the doom of Mandos (although certainly some are more or less cursed than others!) Will return and finish it, chapter-by-chapter. I do enjoy long works.

So happy to see you here.

Hello there, too :) and so many thanks for welcoming me here, it's seriously really lovely and a nice surprise (because here's already bedtime and that's where I am heading in a few minutes).

And even more thanks on the comment on the language, because that was actually the issue what held me back for writing this story for so long; the plot and the idea was in my head for so long but I always post-poned sitting down to write it because I thought I could never do them justice (I am still uncertain if I managed - but I tried my best, and I actually enjoyed to do the research a lot for this fic) - it's fickle, for me at least it is. So reading that it is okay for others is really delighting.

Enjoy your dinner, and I hope you will enjoy the rest of this story, too :)

(and my humble self loves long things, too. Reading long stories, writing long stories and writing long feedback - which i certainly have to do in the next few days as I finally managed to use this account)

Hello back, and thank you for taking your time reading my fic and commenting on it :)

It's lovely to come back after work and having a pleasant surprise in the mail; I've never written such formal tone in any of my fics before but even if it took me more effort to write it, and certainly gave me a headache once in a while (especially the last chapter), I thoroughly enjoyed it to write it this way and somehow it seemed 'right', especially for Manwë.

..and now, that this part of the story is finally out of my head, i somehow desire to make a series out of it because it's simply my Vala/Elf OTP .. but first I have to get some other ideas out of my head.

So in the meanwhile, thanks again for the feedback.