Drabbles: The Silmarillion, part 2 by Zdenka

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On to Journey’s End

Aredhel comforts Elenwë after Turgon’s death on the Helcaraxë. (Aredhel/Elenwë. AU. Warning for character death.)

When the Ice takes Turgon, Elenwë nearly follows; Aredhel pulls her to safety with a desperate effort. “I won’t lose you too,” Aredhel says fiercely, her tears already turning to ice on her cheeks. Heartsick and weary, Elenwë staggers along blindly.

But Aredhel coaxes her to eat, holds her close at night and shares what little warmth can be found between their bodies.

When at last the Ice ends and they stumble onto green grass, Elenwë reaches for Idril with one hand and Aredhel with the other. A silver light rises to greet them, and it feels like a blessing.

Chapter End Notes

Written for Drabble Tag 8 in the femslash100 LJ community, for the prompt: "Aredhel/Elenwë - ice."

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