Drabbles: The Third Age by Zdenka

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Tarrying Here a While

Gildor's hope of victory. (Gildor Inglorion)

“A Elbereth Gilthoniel!” Gildor sings, and the shadows draw back--for a little while.

He has called no land his home since Nargothrond fell. Wherever he wanders, he sings protection and healing as his lord once taught him, striving always against Sauron.

Either there will be total defeat, sweeping like a black wave over the land, and his end will come as he fights in some dark place--

Or a grey ship will bear him westward, to that Light he remembers reflected in Finrod’s eyes. And Gildor will kneel there before him and say, “My lord, your Enemy is fallen.”

Chapter End Notes

Written for amyfortuna in the Imzy Multifandom Drabble Exchange.

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