A Walk down Memory Lane by Raiyana

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The Dress

So this... happened.

It draped around her, showing off her curves in a way that he probably ought to thank Moryo for at some point, but already knew he would forget to say. It didn’t matter, his brother would see it in the way he could not take his eyes off her, more than uncommonly clumsy when they all ate together, missing his mouth because he was too busy watching her.

The fabric stretched and flowed around the breasts that had grown heavier – and far more sensitive – as the seasons changed, outlining the bump that had at first been little more than a firmness he could feel when he pressed his palm against her body but was now akin to a slowly ripening fruit. Endlessly tempting, her body, round with their child, her skin glowing, and her hair even more silvery than usual, soft and full when he wrapped his hands in it, like liquid silk where it pooled on their sheets when he came home filled with forge-fire and she… she stoked it, that fire blazing between them, entirely too aware of the desperate way he wanted her these days, and more than willing to take advantage of it.

Of course, he was more than willing to let her, his joy in discovering her curves not at all diminished by the time that had passed since he had first touched them, slid his hands over her skin and heard her sigh out his name with her pleasure.


It was a thirst that could only be slaked by the both of them, together, in love, their passion fuelling the happiness of their growing son. He had never thought of it, before, how much he could love the feel of his hands gliding over the spot that held his son, sensing that tiny wisp of fëa reach out to touch his own in a fleeting caress – an ‘I am here’ that had changed everything the moment he had first felt it burst into life, sharing a moment of tearful joy with his wife, both of them curved protectively around their child who had just begun growing.

He was being sappy in love, and he knew it.

Knowing did not make him want her any less, of course, he thought ruefully, tearing his eyes away from the tempting slope of her breast in an attempt to focus on his grandfather speaking at the head of the table – or at least his plate – but knowing it was a futile endeavour as soon as he caught the way her eyes flashed down to his lap and back up, her sweet mouth curving in a smile aimed at Aredhel on the opposite side of the table.

Turning her head towards him, as though she knew what he was thinking, Telperína smiled slowly, closing her lips around her spoon, the tip of her tongue appearing to lick up a stray droplet. Curvo’s mouth felt dry, but licking his lips didn’t help. Part of him wanted to spirit her away, back to their rooms to make love to her, or just hold her, feel the small life growing inside her. The part that wanted to spend hours worshiping her for the gift she was giving him warred with the part of him that was beyond anxious to ensure that she ate enough for the both of them. Telperína’s smile grew, her green eyes sparkling at him; Curvo knew she knew what he was thinking, feeling her small fingers rub slowly across his thigh, drawing tiny circles in areas designed to light the embers that always seemed to smoulder beneath his skin, simply waiting for her touch to set the fire ablaze. Catching her fingers, he twined his own in between those slender digits, stilling her roving hand but not removing it from his thigh, curling his fingers beneath hers.

I want you, too, my love.

Her face didn’t change, but Telperína had always been more inscrutable when she was using ósanwë than Curvo had ever managed. He spluttered out the mouthful of soup he had just taken, squeezing her hand tightly.

Minx. He accused, watching her smile turn knowing, her fingertips making tiny rubbing motions over his thigh.

You love me.

Dinner dragged on interminably.


Cornering her in the corridor leading away from the dining hall, Curufinwë caught his wife by the waist, leaving her in no doubt of her effect on him as his lips found her neck, homing in on the spot that always made her sigh, going soft in his arms. This time was no different; Telperína uttered a soft moan, pressing back against him and tilted her head to the side, lifting a hand to pull her hair over the opposite shoulder.

“My Curvo,” she murmured, his name ending in a gasp when his lips firmed against her skin, sucking a light bruise into being. Turning around, she sighed, kissing him eagerly and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“You are a tease, love,” he told her, pressing her against the wall and claimed her mouth again. Telperína whimpered slightly, pulling him closer still.

“You keep looking at me, Curvo,” she accused breathlessly, tangling her fingers in his hair when he moved down her throat, a soft moan spilling from her lips when he found that spot on her neck she liked him nibbling. Curvo smiled into her skin, running his hands down her body, curving around her backside – also plumper – and pulled her into his body, curving himself around the small bump between them.

“You invite my staring,” he muttered, losing the train of thought when she hitched one leg around his hip, rubbing herself against him and licking along the shell of his ear. Wrapping his calloused fingers around her buttocks, he lifted her easily, her other leg wrapping around him as he carried her down the corridor. “Temptress.” Telperína chuckled huskily, turning her full attention to the pointy ridge of his ear, nibbling softly as he tried to remain steady, her hands busy undoing the laces at his throat.

“I never claimed otherwise,” she whispered, snaking her fingers underneath the hem of his clothes, “and you’re just as tempting, to me.”

“Tell me we don’t have to return to the feast,” he begged, though he probably wouldn’t have turned around if she had told him they ought. Tyelpië just laughed, nipping at his ear and soothing the slight sting with her tongue.

Discovering the door to the room they shared in grandfather’s house, Curvo booted it open, pressing her up against the mosaic-tiled wall just beyond the doorway as he kicked it closed once more. Telperína gasped, shying away from the cool tiles, but leaned back against it in the next moment, surrendering to the pleasure of feeling his mouth on her breasts with a moan.

“Curvo,” she groaned, pressing his face into her chest, her legs locked tight around his waist. “I need you.”

Lifting his head, he took her mouth passionately, one hand tracing the flare of her hip, running down her thigh to find the bottom hem of the dress, tugging it up to discover the bare skin beneath.

“Good,” he murmured, pressing his own need into the apex of her thighs. Telperína hissed, her head falling back against the wall with a soft thud as he pulled the hem up over her waist. Her clever fingers had undone the lacing of his trousers at some point, leaving them gaping at the hip, and she pushed them down with the foot that skimmed his arse. Green eyes sparkling at him, she dared him to comment. Curufinwë chuckled into her mouth, stealing that first sound of pleasure she always made when he first entered her in a gentle kiss.

The coupling did not remain gentle; for that, she had teased him too long, and her body was too slick and ready for him. Curufinwë hissed lightly, thrusting into what he thought must be the greatest pleasure imaginable, his forehead meeting the wall above her shoulder with a groan. Telperína’s lips returned to his ear, whispering things that were equal parts loving and lewd.

Curvo smirked, turning his head to suck kiss-shaped bruises into her neck, marking the spot that made her keen and clench around him in deep purple. Tyelpië’s foot pushed insistently against his arse, even as her words were reduced to moans and small gasps of pleasure. Curvo sped up his thrusts until her head was bouncing against the palm he put between it and the hard tile of the wall with every move he made.

“I love you,” she whispered into his mouth; the meeting of lips was less a kiss than a shared panting of breath, chasing the peak of pleasure together. Pincing her arse, Curufinwë laughed happily, pushing aside the fabric that hid her from view long enough to let his clever fingers play over her slick flesh, catching the bead of her flower between two digits and plying it skilfully.

Telperína panted in his ear, her fingers leaving marks on his shoulder as she tightened almost unbearably around him, reaching the peak with a shuddering cry of his name. Pride filled him, spurring him on until the clenching movements of her inner walls were suddenly too much. Stifling his groan against her breast, giving her a small nip that made her shudder and clench around him once more, Curvo lost control, exploding in starlight.

He felt her soft fingers teasing along his scalp, slowly bringing him down from the heights of pleasure. Her body still quivered rhythmically around him, more than enough to make him hiss at the almost painful pleasure of it. Lifting his head, he sought her mouth blindly, sharing a kiss that felt nearly desperate.

“I love you, my Tyelpië,” he murmured, returning to his own mind at last, feeling the joy of her fëa twined with his, the pleasure they had shared making the bond glow. Telperína smiled, leaning back against the wall with a soft smirk on her face.

“I love you, Curvo,” she said, pressing a kiss against his nose. Hissing softly when he slipped from her body, she brought her legs back down to the floor, looking up at him with those green eyes he adored so much. For a moment, he simply held her, feeling his heart slow down as he kissed her gently, slowly, his hands roaming over her skin without purpose. Telperína sighed into his mouth, hugging him tight. Feeling the tiny fëa brush against him with a content air, Curvo smiled, stealing another kiss. Telperína chuckled. “Let’s stay here all night,” she whispered softly, “I have no desire to listen to your Atar sniping at his brothers.” Curvo nodded. Drawing the dress down her arms to pool at her feet, he knelt, pressing a kiss against her tiny belly.

“As my lady commands,” he said, giving her a cheeky wink that made her laugh again and swept her off her feet. Telperína laughed, pulling him down for a kiss as he carried her to bed.

They both fell asleep, curled up naked together, the small bump of their son between them, protected – and loved – by his parents.

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