A Proposal by feanorusrex

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


An offer, an answer, and what it means for both of them. 

Major Characters: Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Romance


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 439
Posted on 19 April 2018 Updated on 19 April 2018

This fanwork is complete.

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Now, for those of you, who have been following these stories, maybe you’re like, “Wait, why are they getting married,, they literally just got together!” Aight, comrades, I KNOW, but again, I am trying to write these stories so they are all self contained- so someone could read any one and understand it on its own. So I’m not really following one plot. That being said, I do plan to fill in the time between the last one of these I wrote, (Warmth,) and this one, I just don’t have ideas yet. Hit me with prompts.


Comments on A Proposal

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Ah! Feanor.

So direct, no beating around the bush, no pomp and ceremony, just shows her the ring and says 'its hers if she will accept it.' Leaving poor Nerdanel lost for words. Such honesty. I love it!

"Why are you so fancily dressed today?" she asked.

"Why are you so beautiful today?" Feanor countered.

Aww! This just gave me the warm fuzzies. So sweet. Feanor just went up another rung in my opinion.

What also struck me and was a little heartbreaking was how Feanor had not shared their relationship with the rest of his family, but most grievously, his father.

Feanorusrex, I have been trying to think of a prompt to bridge the gap between these stories, but so far have been unable to come up with anything, Sorry.

If I think of anything, I will try and let you know, somehow.

Thank you for sharing.