Comments on What REALLY Happened; A Falling-out Among Thieves; or Get It In Writing

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I always find my story notes harder to write than the story itself and most likely to be regretted--but that's me!

Favorite line: "You’ve eaten everything else.  You know, if your behind grows any bigger, wearing black won’t help you.” I can just imagine exactly how happy she was to hear that!

Ha! your "What REALLYHappened" series ought to work really well for you. You will never run out of material--a bit like me and my character bios that are published here!

That's me, too; at least so far.  The friends who read the drafts (bless them) liked that line as well.  I hope this series is a success, but my work moves so slowly!

I've enjoyed your bios so much, and admire your encyclopedic knowlege as well as your stamina.  Keep 'em coming, and thanks for the kind words!

Thanks for the review!  Actually, this is my second fanfic.  The first is here also, about Elrond and Celebrian becoming engaged. What Really Happened is a sort of umbrella title for each of my Silmarillion postings.

 Varda's stars might have satisfied even Ungoliant, could she have reached them...Heh indeed!

I'm glad you liked it.