What REALLY Happened; A Falling-out Among Thieves; or Get It In Writing by Cee Cee
Fanwork Notes
Author’s note: I think it’s high time I posted something, so I yanked this little section from a much longer work still under construction and sent it out to stand alone. Poor thing.
Author’s revision: A bit soon, but not soon enough. The original material for this story was not written to stand alone. Some parts appeared elsewhere in the longer work-in-progress. Now that I’ve had time to think (post now, think later) I find that it’s better all in one place. So here it is.
Arachnophobes, beware!
Fanwork Information
Summary: Summary That old villain Melkor, Ungoliant in tow, had plagued Valinor, vandalizing trees, swiping jewels—oh, yes, and killing poor Finwe—then done a bunk. In this bit, we join them in Middle-earth to observe the end of a not-so-beautiful friendship…ah…partnership. Major Characters: Melkor, Ungoliant Major Relationships: Genre: Humor Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 473 |
Posted on 10 May 2018 | Updated on 4 July 2018 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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