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Oooh! I already loved the premise of this, but I hadn't even considered the possibility that Celebrimbor and Narvi might come across Maglor! Looking very much forward to reading the next chapters. I love how you paint the relationship between Narvi and Celebrimbor, and Celebrimbor's rawness also feels very real.

Thank you! Maglor fits beautifully into this story because his issues complement Celebrimbor's so nicely. Both need to heal, but to do so one will have to let go of his responsibility and the other will have to face it. I love established relationships, so I'm glad that works! And Celebrimbor's characterization, too.

I love how you've interwoven Celebrimbor's quest with the events of The Hobbit. This one with Narvi as the main character was especially exciting - I really liked how you showcase the limitations, but also the possibilities (*shudder*) of her bodyless existence. The meeting with the Elven spirits was haunting and very effectively written.

Poor Celebrimbor! I'm glad he didn't go fully Túrin and kill Narvi along with the Orcish body she possessed! Now I'm equally excited and worried about their journey through Khazad-Dûm...

Thanks :) ! It was supposed to be a proper crossover, but then Celebrimbor ran off to chase the Nazgul, which was not the original plan. Well. Erebor will have to wait. He couldn't kill Narvi because she's already dead and a Valar-approved spirit - unlike other characters in this story. And yes, poor Celebrimbor! I started this mainly because I wanted to get from Poor Celebrimbor to Happy Celebrimbor at some point, but so far I'm not making a very good job of that.

Oh. My. God. Are they gonna run into Thorin?? They're gonna run into Thorin!!! And the others??? Fili and Kili??? GANDALF??? Holy shit!!!

*coughs* Ahem. I am very excited to see where this goes in the next chapters. Your take on Celebrimbor's torture and death are giving me some juicy inspiration for the many different ways in which I could write my own when I get to that point, and I'm so excited to compare and contrast how you and I handle Narvi and Khel's relationship and the prospect of Dwarf ghosts in general. And ohhh I can't wait for the looks on the faces of every elf who knew Celebrimbor before he died oh my GOSH. Consider me totally hooked, I've gotta go read chapter 2!

AAAAAAAA THIS IS SO GOOD. I love the detail of Groin (lmao) and Varli as you said in the end notes, I didnt recognize Groin's name so thank you! I really really really can't wait to see how this continues, I'm so in love already and have been from chapter 1.

Thank you so, so much!!!

I hate to admit that this work is not finished and hasn't been updated in years. Yes, it haunts me. And yes, I plan to continue it. It'll just take... as much time as it needs.

It's not that I've moved on to another fandom: I haven't written a single word since Covid started. Mainly because everyone's still in home office and I've lost most of my privacy. But I just wanted to say: please don't be disappointed, this fic is still loved and it's not dead. Just on hiatus, for real life reasons.