Comments on Enemies to Sons

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You wrote two people I love and did so beautifully. I really like how you've seen their story and can hear their voices --- Gil feels just the way I know him and Elrond has that trace of sweetness in him that I always look for. 

Gil-galad's idea that Sauron wouldn't think the ring might be with Elrond is clever and makes sense. And of course he knew he wouldn't survive, just wasn't going to say so. 

Really enjoyed your view of what must have been a difficult relationship, at least for the first year or so. 

Thank you so much for your kind words! This is my first time writing from Gil-galad's POV so it was a bit of a struggle but I'm glad you think I succeeded. And the thing with the ring was what took me the longest, because I knew Elrond wouldn't believe a BS excuse, nor would Gil-galad want to give him one! So yeah, thank you, I'm really glad you like it :)

It was so nice to hear from you, Eris.

Gil galad is a favorite of mine. So when I saw this I pounced on it.

I can fully understand Gil galad's reticence and suspicion with the twins appearance, when he thought them dead. I would probably do the same if I was in his shoes. I mean no-one trusts the Feanorions especially when it comes to the Oath. So Gil is within his rights to treat the boys as suspect until they earn his trust.

This was sweet. Now see, this is why I like Gil galad. He is such a great and noble example of how a king should be. Always willing to admit when he is wrong, both with the Feanorions and the twins, even if it made good sense to be cautious in the onset.

And this is the humble beginnings of a relationship that would span ages.

I appreciate your comments about Gil-galad - I have begun to appreciate him as well, and although most of my muse centers around the Feanorians, I have enjoyed getting to know him through this fic. I do like the idea of him being willing to admit when he's wrong, but I also like that he can do something wrong, because sometimes I feel like portrayals of him are 100% perfect and it was fun to delve into something other than that. Thanks for writing in! :)

I like your take on how Elrond comes by Vilya. It seems fitting.Yet a little sad knowing this is Gil galad's last battle and one of the last times he and Elrond will see each other.

I have to say I love the idea of Gil galad seeing the spirit's of Maedhros and Maglor charging beside Elrond into battle. I've had the same idea myself, but haven't quite gotten around to writing it.

Thank you for sharing, Eris. This was quite enjoyable.

I'm glad you liked the Vilya thing (which was a surprise from my muse, considering it hadn't been part of the original fic request), and I am thrilled you liked the spirits thing! I was nervous about posting that considering the whole Feanorians thing, but I am happy to hear some positive feedback about it. I love the Feanorians and I definitely headcanon that although Elrond and Gil-galad have an extremely tight bond, Elrond still remembers the Feanorians and loves them as the ones who raised him. And Vilya, crafted by Celebrimbor, was my way of showing Gil-galad's acceptance for that love and also showing his own. :)

I really enjoyed this story. I love Gil-galad and Elrond and I love to think about the relationship to him and the rest of their long-sundered people when they finally return. Then tension and mistrust is not surprising. I love Elrond's strength and vulnerability and also Gil-galad native skepticism based in what he thinks he knows and his ability to reassess his assumptions. Very moving characterizations.

I read that earlier story, Fourth Father, and although I liked it a lot, it feels much more rounded now you've given us Gil-galad's side of things as well and a clearer view of the development on their relationship, especially with that final scene, explaining how Elrond manages to carry on, as he does.