Enemies to Sons by eris_of_imladris
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Gil-galad’s relationship with Elrond and Elros from beginning to end. A prequel, midquel and sequel to Fourth Father from Gil-galad's POV, as requested by Tamuril2 on ao3. Written in the spirit of the Differing Perspectives challenge. Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Gil-galad, Maedhros, Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Challenges: Differing Perspectives Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 3 | Word Count: 5, 782 |
Posted on 24 May 2018 | Updated on 24 May 2018 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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So this wasn’t part of the original request, but my muse decided this is what it wanted to write, so here I am xD My idea of the gem in Vilya, for reference, is based on a star sapphire.
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