Comments on Confessions of a Teenage Drama Prince

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Oh, Fëanor… I simultaneously want to embrace him and try to talk some sense into him.

I love Tano; he's a great character and a great look at the other people who must have been around.

He and Fëanáro both had a family here, with the other apprentices and with each other, and hopefully their family of choice would be enough to carry them through life’s myriad problems.

And this is the heartbreaking final line, knowing what's to come.

Well done!

This is a really good story. I totally can imagine this perspective. Oh, course, he is all wrong--his father's always prefers him and chooses him over his brothers. But "drama prince" will never entirely believe it. 

I read a lot into "found family." Feanor certainly did have followers who stuck by him until the end.