Chapter 2
Amber, space, shatter, comfort (prompt from elvie)
I have heard you wonder that I will not take up the colors of your guild, but ever remain in my own: in amber, and gold, and cream. Too, I have heard you wonder if I am revering old allegiances in so doing – if there is some Vala in the West whom I would still honor by wearing Their colors.
Oh, my Tyelpe – no. It is much simpler than that.
It is not that these are the colors of warmth, and light, and life. It is that these are the colors that I happened to wear when I first entered these halls and gained your permission to live in Ost-in-Edhil, and I saw how your eyes were drawn to me when I wore them.
And so, I remain.
It should not be possible for one of the Children such as yourself to take up such space in my thoughts, and yet, here you are. You have settled into my daily considerations with such ease and comfort, shattered my understandings of your kind so completely and utterly, that it becomes difficult to recall exactly who and what I was before this.
I know what I must do, and yet.
You make this difficult for me, Tyelpe.
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