Of storks and elflings by Nuredhel
Fanwork Notes
This story is of a very sexual nature and not suited for minors, it is rahter funny though...
Fanwork Information
Summary: When King Oropher arranges a marriage for his son Thranduil he does to his horror discover that the elleth he has chosen is so uninformed and innocent she still believes that elflings are delivered by the stork. Something must be done! Be prepared for a piece of bizarre education and a letter of enlightenment. Major Characters: Thranduil Major Relationships: Genre: Erotica, Humor, Romance Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 14, 933 |
Posted on 12 August 2018 | Updated on 12 August 2018 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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