Comments on Why?

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Wow, this was a lot more serious than I expected from the summary. In a good way. I mean, cheeky teenagers sneaking out at night and needing to be protected by their less cheeky siblings are also a great read, but this discussion was certainly more important. I love the undertones of their different destinies - their different reactions to strong drink, Elros deciding that he doesn't have all of eternity - and his final request really packs a punch. He's already made his decision, or is at least guessing at it, it seems!

Wow!  Both comedy and tragedy!  Few stories can successfully combine them.  This one does; so true-to-life.

I especially like the "Elros rolled his eyes--" sentence (which I cant' insert here, because I don't know how it's done) but I love the snark.  

These two are some of my favorite characters.