Lockdown Instadrabbling by Lindariel

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Chapter 2

This story falls within the timeline of my The Fairest Vessels That Ever Sailed story.  Prompts:  sunlight, quiver, bowl, luscious


One thing was certain: these Elves knew their archery. This Falathrin bow, just a stick really, was better than any Noldorin bow Alatáriel had ever handled. She retrieved her arrow from the straw target, then walked the 144 paces back to the line where Teleporno stood with a wooden bowl full of freshly picked berries. She smiled broadly as she came to meet him, and he popped one of the berries into her open mouth. Luscious!

"You are shooting well today," he said, unslinging his quiver.

"It is easy to shoot well when the sunlight is this bright," she replied.

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