Lockdown Instadrabbling by Lindariel

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Chapter 10

This falls within the period of time covered in my story Out of the Darkling West.  Prompts:  grass, shell, woke, frittered.

Alatáriel woke from a dream of Feänorean lamps to find the great new star risen again, to her inexpressible relief. Its bright light silvered the path she picked toward the clump of long grass atop the dune. She sat down facing the sea so she could see Canyalqa drawn up onto the beach near where Teleporno still slept rolled in his cloak.

The light caught on a small pink shell nearby. She picked it up, recalling the swans and the voice of Ulmo. "We have frittered away enough time," she thought. "Now we must take hope and find this Eglarest." 

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