Faded and Pale by ford_of_bruinen

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Faded and Pale

My harp
Is still singing though words have fled
Drowned by blood and by war
My soul is stained
My brothers dead
://And my music is faded and pale. ://

My fall
From grace was remorseless and deep
As I marched with a sword in my hand.
Out of the horror
And blood that I spilled
My music sang strongly and true

The waves
That lulled us to sleep in the bay
Had been fed by innocent blood
We burned our past
As we burned the ships
And the first of my brothers died.

My harp
Is still singing though words have fled
Drowned by blood and by war
My soul is stained
My brothers dead
://And my music is faded and pale.://

We fought
And we bleed in the years that came
Our souls growing darkened and grim
We never forgot
But carefully hid
All longing of joy and of hope.

The words
Have fled me and left me alone
As I wander these unending shores
My harp is still singing
Of home far away
Of home and redemption and truth

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