Capturing the moonlight by Rhapsody

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Fanwork Notes

MEFA 2007 Nominee

Fanwork Information


For years Beleg asked himself how one can capture the moonlight.

Major Characters: Beleg, Melian

Major Relationships:

Genre: Erotica, Het, Romance

Challenges: Gift of a Story

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 066
Posted on 1 June 2007 Updated on 1 June 2007

This fanwork is complete.

Capturing the moonlight

Read Capturing the moonlight

“Would you be able to capture the moonlight?”

Beleg Cúthalion remembered this question, asked by a young child many yens ago. Actually, Beleg could recall the exact moment when suddenly, a strange presence climbed the skies. At first it pleasantly startled many elves that migrated from the Mountains to the lands of Doriath where Thingol Greycloak and his bride Melian now abided. Many of the Sindar who wandered under the naked skies heard about how unexpectedly their leader had awoken from the spell the Maiar cast on him, thinking it was just a mere dream. From Oromë, the Vala who occasionally roamed the lands of Beleriand, Beleg, and his tribe learnt that this object was named Tilion, a former huntsman of Oromë who had been chosen to keep watch over the skies.

Also, Oromë told them the story about the creation of the moon and how it first rose in the ream of the stars. Many clung to his the Vala’s lips and watched this creation in delight and during the seven courses of Tilion, Beleg and his clan made it to the outer borders of Doriath to be welcomed warmly by the rulers.

Still, Beleg had no idea how neither to capture the moonlight nor to exactly explain how Tilion was wrought. To him, those two reasons would be connected since there had to be a reason why the moonlight reached them. Long he pondered about it and decided to seek out Melian, concluding that she would know of the secret creations wrought by the Valar whom she knew very well.

Melian welcomed him in her garden and she smiled upon his arrival as if she knew he would come to her. At first, neither spoke as Melian watered her roses, making Beleg wait to tell his reasons to come to her.

Hours passed before she motioned him to follow her to a small outlet in the river Esgalduin and he quietly followed her lead, wondering why she would not talk to him just yet. Suddenly her voice was raised in song and Beleg stood there to watch how Melian discarded her robes and entered the waters.

Melian sang of the stars, the sun and at last the moon, weaving a spell that made Beleg follow her into the waters after he removed his own garment. Moments later he drew the fair lady into his arms only to float in the water.

“Why don’t you come and capture the moonlight,” Melian laughed and leaned backwards, her hair gently spread over the water.

In the dark of the night, Melian’s face emanated the light of renowned Aman, Beleg mused and watched the beautiful Queen in awe, her striking features: an elegant nose, a pointy chin, softened by full lips and large grey eyes. Her breasts, full of childbirth, were blessed with small, round nipples.

Melian gazed at him when she reached her hands out and he took them slowly, craning his neck down and kissing her hands and wrists gallantly to take his time with her. Moments later he turned his lips onto her neck, nibbling her tenderly. Slowly she raised her face towards his, as Beleg kissed his way down from her neck to her breasts, but halted when she did not say a word. Beleg pulled back in shock, now that the enchantment seemed broken, but Melian raised her head enough to beckon him to kiss her again.

Beleg’s mind reeled, but he did not back away and continued his exploration eagerly. His fingertips moved slowly downwards through the water, barely touching her skin, floating through the water, only then to continue its trail on her skin. Melian moaned softly when he journeyed downwards, making her fully aware of the growing hardness between his legs. With a sudden savagery, he caressed the cleft between her legs.

Melian leaned back for a moment, allowing him to see her, to see her desire that he had stirred inside her. Beleg watched her for a heartbeat, and then his mouth came down on her nipple.

Dropping her head backwards, Melian arched her back to accommodate him, gasping in obvious pleasure while Beleg bathed her breasts with his tongue, rubbed her nipple across his teeth and cupped her softness in his hands. To him, Melian possessed a warmth he had never felt before, and felt a desire to capture this moment.

“Go ahead, capture the moonlight,” Melian whispered to him and Beleg hesitated, pondering the possible consequences of claiming Melian as his own for this night, and wondered if he would be content to wander again if his lordship found out.

“Do not worry, I will tell him that I gave you an answer to an important question of yours,” Melian encouraged him.

Beleg nodded and pulled her closer, impaling her with his now aroused flesh, wanting her to know, to understand how much he longed for her.

Melian arched upwards again, emerging from the water to cling onto his strong neck, her eyes piercing deep into his soul. Melian did not want to make him doubt, and her mouth covered his, as their tongues came together, passionately exploring each others’ hidden worlds.

Melian hands wandered up and down his back, and said: “Claim me as your lover, Beleg, and I will give you the brilliance of the moonlight.”

Beleg moaned in return to her encouragement as his hands slid under her buttocks and pulled her in closer: filling her completely.

Melian’s head fell back in pleasure, as he set the pace on her, causing a shiver to ripple through her. His head came up at noting this feeling, and as their eyes met, some unspoken longing spurred her into motion.

The lovers, dancing the dance of ages, were locked in an embrace that spoke volumes. Beleg started to move while he kept his hands firmly placed on her hips as small whimpers escaped her lips that slowly transgressed into a new song. Oh so unhurriedly as both worked towards their climax, the clouds parted before the island of the Moon as if Melian's song requested Tilion to step forward.

At that moment Beleg understood, as the ripples around them started to increase while his hips increased in his passion; reflecting the silvery light of Tilion’s gift, soon to crash over them in their bliss as the light captured their magic moment in the moon's kiss.

Chapter End Notes

Author notes and thanks:

Thank you Trekqueen for the great beta. This short work was written as a Christmas present for Robinka.

Inspiration came from the following Silmarillion bits:

Isil was first wrought and made ready, and first rose into the realm of the stars, and was the elder of the new lights, as was Telperion of the Trees. Then for a while the world had moonlight, and many things stirred and woke that had waited long in the sleep of Yavanna. The servants of Morgoth were filled with amazement, but the Elves of the Outer Lands looked up in delight; and even as the Moon rose above the darkness in the west, Fingolfin let blow his silver trumpets and began his march into Middle-earth, and the shadows of his host went long and black before them.


In Beleriand in those days the Elves walked, and the rivers flowed, and the stars shone, and the night-flowers gave forth their scents; and the beauty of Melian was as the noon, and the beauty of Lúthien was as the dawn in spring. In Beleriand King Thingol upon his throne was as the lords of the Maiar, whose power is at rest, whose joy is as an air that they breathe in all their days, whose thought flows in a tide untroubled from the heights to the deeps. In Beleriand still at times rode Oromë the great, passing like a wind over the mountains, and the sound of his horn came down the leagues of the starlight, and the Elves feared him for the splendour of his countenance and the great noise of the onrush of Nahar; but when the Valaróma echoed in the hills, they knew well that all evil things were fled far away.

Chapter 11 Of the Sun and Moon and the Hiding of Valinor

Then the friends of Elwë were left behind; and they called themselves Eglath, the Forsaken People. They dwelt in the woods and hills of Beleriand, rather than by the sea, which filled them with sorrow; but the desire of Aman was ever in their hearts.

Chapter 5 Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië

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