Luthien Tinuviel by Endaewen

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From East To West

Title: From East To West
Author: Endaewen
Rating: G
Fandom: The Silmarillion
Disclaimer: All the characters and settings belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and the Tolkien Estates.
Prompt: #85. East
Story Number: 19/100
Wordcount: 220
Character: Luthien Tinuviel
Summary: Written for the Arda100 LiveJournal community, the Doom'n'Gloom prompt set.
Note: Quotes (in 'bold') are from Of Beren and Luthien from The Silmarillion.

Trapped in the house her father had had built for her, Luthien was watching the shadows cast by the rising sun. Long fingers of darkness reaching out from the east. They seemed to her this morning to represent the fear from which both the Edain and the Eldar had fled into the western part of Beleriand. She was thinking of the tales she'd been told of their past by both Melian and Thingol. Even the lights are moving from the east now, shadows reaching west from our ancient home that is no more. Since the fall of the two Lamps, trouble has always followed from the East.

From what she had heard, the same thing was true for the Edain, although few would talk of it. New waves of the Edain came ever so often, most fleeing the evil, but some had brought it with them, serving the great Enemy willingly and fighting against even their own kin.

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