Fighting for Hope by Rhapsody

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Fanwork Notes

This double drabble is written for Isil Elensar ánd for Seven in '07 project for the Silmarillion Writers Guild.

Fanwork Information


Amras considers his future and that of his House when he holds a newborn baby.

Major Characters: Amras

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 199
Posted on 19 June 2007 Updated on 19 June 2007

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Fighting for Hope

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This is such a sweet story. I have not spent a lot of time around infants, but it reminds me of the saying that babies are God's way of reminding the world about the future.

 But I found Amras's thoughts sad, and telling. Even if the Feanorions had won back their honor, I don't think it would change who they are. Still, his devotion to his nephew was very touching.