Another Prometheus by Gandalfs apprentice
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: There's more than one way to see Feanor's rebellion. A scholar of the Fourth Age interprets his story. Major Characters: Fëanor Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 100 |
Posted on 2 July 2007 | Updated on 2 July 2007 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Another Prometheus
Read Another Prometheus
The teacher gazed at the intent faces of the young men and women before him.
"The loremasters claim there is only one possible interpretation of the myth of Fëanor. I disagree. Both his glory and his disgrace come from the will to master fate and find freedom from the tyranny of the elements. He strove for knowledge and skill for all. No longer would power be only the province of the gods. For this ungodly pride he lost his life.
"Those who seek to better the lot of our fellow men honor him as the greatest of friends. Praise him!"
(1) Comment by Gadira for Another Prometheus
Hmmh... revisionist history, how interesting. I must confess I had never thought of that parallel, and I have been seeking many Greek parallels for my Never-to-be-finished essay.
Also, remember Fëanor´s connection with fire. Uncanny. :)
Re: (1) Comment by Gadira for Another Prometheus
I wrote this last year as a gift for Dawn Felagund. Obviously the parallels are not precise, but it did seem to me that Feanor was being accused of hubris for daring to create "like the gods." More power to him, I say.
(2) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Another Prometheus
As one who yearns to see more of the Enlightenment spread through Middle-earth and less villification of my favorite long-suffering scientist, this teacher rocks!
Very nice vignette, G.A.
Re: (2) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Another Prometheus
I've got only too few such sly references in my work. The other one that stands out is "King Elessar's Peace," where the invention of movable type and the printing press is hailed. (You can find that one at HASA as part of "Many Guises and Many Names.")
(3) Comment by Moreth for Another Prometheus
With all the Prometheus imagery that exists in The Silmarillion, I think this is a perfectly justifiable (re-)interpretation of canon :D Although I now worry about what happened to the teacher's career - defy the loremaster's at your peril!
Very nice drabble indeed!
Re: (3) Comment by Moreth for Another Prometheus
I like to think that an Age of Enlightenment followed the Ring War, and King Elessar established schools of learning and encouraged the arts and sciences.
But of course you speak only too true. With the Enlightenment came---the Inquisition!
Maybe I'll write a tale about a Middle-earth Galileo. hmmmm....
(4) Comment by Robinka for Another Prometheus
Very interesting idea, very well written. I like it. Thank you for sharing :)