Elfstone by Gandalfs apprentice
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Celebrimbor creates the Elessar. Major Characters: Celebrimbor Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 100 |
Posted on 2 July 2007 | Updated on 2 July 2007 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Read Elfstone
The smith let the still-dark stone cool after the forging of the eagle's wings. Then, cradling it in his palm, he awakened its hidden power with his breath.
At a quiet pond rimmed with moss and ferns, he dipped the stone into the water's green-gold depths and felt the power surge. He raised the stone to the light of the sky:
Jewel, heal wounds of despair;
Light, renew all worthy arts.
Eagle, bring hope to the children;
Fire, rekindle barren hearts.
In his exultant fingers a green sun blazed in the span of the fierce eagle's wings. It was done.
(1) Comment by MithLuin for Elfstone
Very cool!