Across the Ice by ford_of_bruinen

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Chapter 5

Findekano looked at him. “I think we all should do what we feel right,” he answered quietly. “Go home if that is what your heart is telling you. I am facing the ice.”

 Silence fell as the brothers looked at each other, neither backing down from their convictions.

Turukano eventually broke the silence. “I did not think you vengeful, brother, but I fail to see another reason for your reluctance to return.

Findekano shook his head slowly. “I do not go for vengeance, we have seen enough of bloodshed and hate. I wish to leave to find lands to build my life rather than to live in my father‘s halls. I am no skilled artisan or scholar, life in Tirion holds an eternity of intrigue and inactivity for me. I do not want that.”

Nerwen nodded thoughtfully as she moved to stand beside Findekano. “I will follow you,” she decided. “I will not return to live a lady in my father’s court, playing for power. I will find my own lands and rule them, woman or not.”

Silently her brothers stepped up behind them, adding their own support to their sister and Findekano and so did Irisse. Arakano hesitated for a moment as he stood, not having taken the side of either brother before he shuffled to stand beside Irisse. The silence hung heavily in the air.

Nolofinwe watched thoughtfully as one after another of the children of the noble houses joined Findekano.  There was a clear difference in opinion between, mostly, the younger elves who had recently come to their majority and those already Lords or Ladies, or of higher years. He was unsurprised to see many of those who had once come from Cuivienen behind Turukano.  Sighing he considered his options, he could see the value in both the opinions being voiced by his sons and he found himself agreeing with both.

He had sworn to follow Feanaro, not knowing what madness would lead them here, to this decision. Was he still bound to a vow despite Feanaro’s betrayal? He closed his eyes, finding himself wishing for his father’s counsel. To keep a promise that would quite possible lead to their deaths or to break an oath and return, tail between his legs, as a kicked pup.

In the silence his people turned towards him, waiting for him to speak, for him to decide on their future. He could not do it, he could not force those unwilling to face the ice, nor could he force so many of the young elves to desert their dreams.

“Findekano spoke true,” he said eventually. “We have reached a point in our journey where no Lord will decide your fates. If you chose to return do so with my blessing, I will think no lesser of you if you were to refuse the dangers ahead of us. Those of you that wish to continue I will lead across the ice. I gave an oath to follow Feanaro’s lead and to that I hold. But,” he continued, raising his hand to signal for silence as the host erupted into discussion, “we will not leave these shores yet. We cannot cross the ice with what we have. We set our camp here and we hunt, we hunt for food and furs for I fear we will need both before this journey is at end. “

Turukano closed his eyes, arms once again going around Elenwe. Around them similar scenes repeated, families were once again being torn between those wishing o remain and those that longed for life in the distant lands. Discussions and arguments cut through the air as did tears and pleading.

Nolofinwe turned his back towards the host, once again staring out across the darkened sea. “Why?” he whispered to himself. “We followed you here, why desert us now?”

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