From the sea by ford_of_bruinen

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Fanwork Notes


Written for Keiliss

Fanwork Information


Tuor’s second day in Gondolin brings him outside where he, for the first time, meets Idril alone and falls in love.

Major Characters: Idril, Tuor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Romance


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 893
Posted on 15 September 2007 Updated on 15 September 2007

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on From the sea

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If I remember right from when I researched this he spent some time where he would have seen women although all human and probably all living in not too luxuary I tries to imagine the awe at this clean, pretty and not at all tired looking young woman :)

I am glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the fb




Beautiful! I loved how you don't forget the context and history of Gondolin, and incoporate it into Tuor's own impression of the city - the allusion of Turgon trying to bring back Elenwe by making it in the image of Tirion, very good, very good. 

The meeting of Tuor and Idril - so understated as to make me melt and shiver. Everything comes together so well: it's not frivolous romance at all. I've babbled too much - just wanted to say thanks for sharing this, I enjoyed it very much. Great work!

Excuse me for the (extremey) late response. Life happened, will do better now.


I love history, both Tolkien's and our own world's so writing simlarillion fic is a true joy, there is so much to draw on. I always had issues with GOndolin, it never seemed like a living city to me, and thankfully Idril provided the explanation, it was more or less a mausoleum of what was lost, in this version Turgon's happier days with Elenwe at his side. And of course to Tuor all this luxury and all is completly alien.


I have a great fondness for both Idril and Tuor, always loved their love match more than Luthien and Beren personally and i do imagine a meeting of souls as much as anything else. Yes he is admiring her beauty, she is fascinated by the beard but... there is something deeper speaking to both ofthem from the very start. Thank you for the feedback

First apologies for the extremly long time in responding, I went rather absent after I had my oldest child and even more so after the second. Life is getting back to normal though :)


Thank you for the feedback, I was not entirely sure how Tuor's flirting worked but then, as you said, i could always excuse it with the fact that he truly has no idea how to do it :)