Gwindor's Love by Rianna
Fanwork Notes
Thanks to Robinka for beta-reading
Fanwork Information
Summary: Gwindor dreams about his beloved Finduilas. A double drabble. Major Characters: Gwindor Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Romance Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 199 |
Posted on 18 March 2008 | Updated on 18 March 2008 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Gwindor's Love
Read Gwindor's Love
I close my eyes to see you, my beloved, stand on the terrace bathed in the starlight, more beautiful than the moonlight. You turn to me and smile. In your eyes, I can see the promise of a better tomorrow. How I wish to touch your golden hair! To take your hands in mine and tell you everything I didn’t tell you before. Then, darkness surrounds me and I can hardly breathe.
Do you still love me? Will you care for me, when you see how miserable I look now? Will you understand what I went through?
In the toughest moments of my slavery, the thought of you alone kept me from losing my mind. And now I’m coming home, longing to meet you and unsure of what might happen. I keep telling myself that if the love I saw in your eyes is as strong as mine, then nothing will ever tear us apart, my Faelivrin.
The sunbeams warm my face and I open my eyes to see my companion stand on the bank of Narog. I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder with a smile.
“Come, Túrin. We will soon be in Nargothrond.”
(1) Comment by Robinka for Gwindor's Love
I'm so glad that you decided to post your double drabble here :D Congratulations on your first posting!
Now, this is a lovely take on Gwindor's love, touching and romantic, yet with a disturbing note in the background. But first things first.
I have no doubt that the thought of Finduilas was the thing that kept Gwindor alive throughout the time of slavery. I suppose it was a kind of fuel of his need to escape, just as revenge had been the main factor of his captivity. You give a nice insight to Gwindor's feelings here. He seems full of hope and at the same time he is very uncertain of Finduilas' reaction to seeing him.
I like how you composed this drabble: the dream and Finduilas standing on the terrace, bathed in the starlight, and the reality somewhere near the Narog, with the sun shining and... Turin (Can I stab him with a fork, please, please?) as he and Gwindor were on their way to Nargothrond. And the last line said it all - poor Gwindor. :(
Great job, my dear! Welcome to SWG :D
Re: (1) Comment by Robinka for Gwindor's Love
To be honest, when I read a part about arriving Turin to Nargothrond, for the second time I thought that Tolkien was unfair. In my opinion, after all Gwindor had gone through he deserved to be happy. But he didn't manage to enjoy his love for Finduilas. Tolkien decided to make him one of the victims of "Turin's curse". :( The story makes me sad everytime I read it. (Yes, you can stab Turin with anything you want! ;) )
I'm glad that I manged to show Gwindor's feelings with a disturbing note in the background, as you noticed, because I wanted everyone to remember about the end of this poignant love story.
I'm happy that you liked it. Thanks for... well, you know, for everything. :)
As for my first posting - I guess I'm doomed now. ;)
(2) Comment by Rhapsody for Gwindor's Love
Aw Gwindor, poor guy. This is an elf that suffered so much and in this beautiful short piece you show exactly what kept him going and reaching for the light. To endure... and then the twist at the end, I really could see him standing there and gazing at his beloved, only to find out it is a most important memory. Knowing what is too come though... This is wonderfully drabbled and well rounded.
Re: (2) Comment by Rhapsody for Gwindor's Love
I agree - poor Gwindor. Most of the people focus on other characters who were involved more or less with Turin. I wanted to honour Gwindor, because he lost not only his beloved, but also his dreams.
I'm glad that you liked my double drabble. Thanks for the review. :)
(3) Comment by Hrymfaxe for Gwindor's Love
This is lovely! I really like the idea of Gwindor's love for Finduilas being the thing that carried him through his captivity. And his insecurity as he approaches their meeting is very touching and real. And of course we know what happens next as he brings Turin home with him. Grrrr!
I love this - thank you for sharing! And welcome to the SWG, I look forward to reading more from you.
Re: (3) Comment by Hrymfaxe for Gwindor's Love
I like to think also that Gwindor's love for Finduilas gave him strength for escape and return to Nargothrond. I don't think that he would be able to come back without a hope that she still waits for him. Isn't it very romantic? ;)
Yeah, Turin. I have shivers on the sound of his name.
Thanks for the review. :) I'm very happy that you liked my writing.