Never Met a Fore Before by viv
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Finwe and Elwe discuss descriptive language and wine in those first days at the Cuivienen. (For the SWG "Inventions" challenge.) Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Finwë Major Relationships: Genre: Humor Challenges: Inventions Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 353 |
Posted on 13 May 2008 | Updated on 13 May 2008 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
"This is delicious," cooed the Second Elf-Father. What was he calling himself these days? Finwe, was it? Enel refrained from rolling his eyes.
"Indeed?" he muttered mildly. Finwe, after all, needed little urging to fall into one of his (usually over-wordy) gales of wonderment. This particular urging took the form of a substance concocted by some berry-picking, golden-haired, of-the-first-fourteen scout. Pompous pretty-boys all, but occasionally they had their uses.
"Oh, yes. It is like ... like..." Stumped. The Elf-Father of the Second Fifty-Six was linguistically stumped. Again. But it made no difference, thought Enel. When there was no word, inevitably one of these barking wordcrafters would make one up. Already his head felt so stuffed full of words that only a sliver of the actual Beauty of Creation could wriggle in.
"Like what?" prodded Enel, because he wasn't having nearly as awful a westward walk as he probably deserved.
Finwe screwed up his glowing gorgeous face and pondered. He even put one long elegant finger to his chin in a pose to show how very much he pondered. And he stood, still and lovely in the starlight, and continued to ponder most magnificently. Enel filched his brother's cup and knocked back the draught. Fascinating: the stuff was, in point of fact, delicious. Unusually so. A trifle hard and tart on the tip of the tongue, but sparkling down the throat. Rather reminded one of ...
"... starlit foam at the bottom of a waterfall," mused Enel.
Finwe's startling silver eyes opened so wide Enel worried for their perch in his luxuriously tressed skull.
"That is it exactly! Brilliant! How did you... what I mean to say is, what made you imagine...?"
"Metaphor," Enel said, squeezing another drop from the skin, this time depositing it right on his tongue. Made it from wild grapes, had they? He wondered how many of his vast seventy-four he could set to picking berries. Bother this westward exploration, anyway. He licked the dribble from his bottom lip appreciatively. "It's called a metaphor."
And thus, within mere hours, did the Quendi invent both booze and the rhetorical trope.
Chapter End Notes
Enel = the Third Father, so Elwe
Number designations for the three houses of the original 144 Quendi (fourteen = Vanyar, fifty-six = Noldor, seventy-four = Teler/Lindar) taken from the Cuivienyarna, pp. 420 and on, The War of the Jewels
(1) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Never Met a Fore ... [Ch 1]
Viv, this is brilliant! Besides the great portraits of Finwe and Elwe, the dual inventions of wine and metaphor (two of my favorites, I'll admit ;) is fantastic.
(PS--there was a boo-boo with italics tags at the end. I fixed it for you. ;)
Re: (1) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Never Met a Fore ... [Ch 1]
There were a ton of boo-boos! *abashed* (Thank you.) I'm getting used to the site now, how many years after I joined? :) This was sort of a dry run writing something for SWG. I love the story submission page: very thorough! And thanks for leaving a review. Is always fun to know you've been read (and that shouldn't sound as naughty as it does).
(2) Comment by Robinka for Never Met a Fore Before [Ch 1]
Ha! It's good to know who's responsible for inventing booze and where linguistic literacy comes from :D Utterly funny and greatly done!
Glad to have found out that you post here, Viv :)
All the best,
Re: (2) Comment by Robinka for Never Met a Fore Before [Ch 1]
Hey, Binka! So this is where you're hanging out nowadays. :) Have missed seeing you around. Seems like a nice place, SWG.
(3) Comment by Feta for Never Met a Fore Before [Ch 1]
This is great. “And thus, within mere hours, did the Quendi invent both booze and the rhetorical trope.” Creative and very amusing. Good job.
Re: (3) Comment by Feta for Never Met a Fore Before [Ch 1]
Thanks muchly! I wish I didn't snark on beloved characters, but when I start writing, the damndest stuff comes out. Eep. Glad it wasn't wholly offensive!
(4) Comment by MithLuin for Never Met a Fore Before [Ch 1]
Great! I think the author who gave us Golfimbul's head being knocked into a rabbit hole to both win the battle and invent the game of golf in one fell swoop (literally) would appreciate the humor of this piece. Why does it not surprise me that Elwë is enamored with the beauty of creation while Finwë is bent on naming and defining each new experience?
Re: (4) Comment by MithLuin for Never Met a Fore Before [Ch 1]
Did you write that about golf? Is it here on SWG? I gotta read this thing! lol
(5) Comment by oshun for Never Met a Fore Before [Ch 1]
I can't believe I never read this! This is wonderfully done. Adore the playing with the numbers of the awakened elves (hey, literary conceit or fact, those numbers?).
Great short story!
(6) Comment by Lissas Elves for Never Met a Fore B... [Ch 1]
Viv, this is hilarious.! :D
You may have discovered the real reason why some of the Eldar never made it past the Hithaeglir: they were worried about the possible abscence of grapes on the other side of the mountains (and in Valinor). *g*
Wonderful ficlet!