Feanorian Haiku plus Ulmo by Los Gloriol
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Today is national haiku day in America.(no I am not making it up.) So, in honor of this most celebrated occasion, I have devised 9 haiku for you. The metric phrases 5,7,5 respectively. Enjoy complete silliness! Maybe make your own and share:) Major Characters: Fëanor, Sons of Fëanor, Ulmo Major Relationships: Genre: Humor Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 113 |
Posted on 21 December 2008 | Updated on 21 December 2008 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
Three jewels were crafted
Who would know what was to come
Lo! Armageddon
Maedhros the tall elf
He had red hair but no hand
He was hot then dead
Maglor the singer
He had a beautiful voice
By the sea he sang
Celegorm hunted
He was a stroppy elf-lord
His stiff bow was long
He had a red face
Short bearded dwarves were his thing
Caranthir grumpy!
The fifth was crafty
Beren knocked him off his horse
Buckle up next time
Amrod was a twin
Another elf looked like him
But both of them died
Mom liked the seventh
Amras was burnt in a ship
His dad liked him less
Ulmo smelled like fish
Halibut, cod or haddock
They are good with chips
(1) Comment by lokimademedoit for Feanorian Haiku ... [Ch 1]
Thank you so much for doing those haiku's. They really made me laugh (and get some strange looks since I am at work, reading) - 'Ulmo smelled like fish' is still making me giggle (genius!) and I love the Maedhros/Curufin ones too. Hurrah for you and for National Haiku Day.
Re: (1) Comment by lokimademedoit for Feanorian Haiku ... [Ch 1]
Thanks for reading! Where would be be without National Haiku Day?
(2) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Feanorian Haiku p... [Ch 1]
Oh dear! What is it about haikus that make them so funny? Probably trying to fit so much into so little ... anyway, these were great. I think Curufin's is my favorite!
Re: (2) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Feanorian Haiku p... [Ch 1]
(3) Comment by Robinka for Feanorian Haiku plus Ulmo [Ch 1]
This very ill, coughing and sneezing woman thanks you so so so much for brightening her day and for a good dose of laughter! :D
Re: (3) Comment by Robinka for Feanorian Haiku plus Ulmo [Ch 1]
Awwww *hugs* I hope you feel better soon! It's always nice to cheer someone up when they are ill. I love to make people laugh :D
(4) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Feanorian Haiku... [Ch 1]
There are all pretty darned amusing, but the Curufin haiku sent me over the edge. :^D
Re: (4) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Feanorian Haiku... [Ch 1]
Curufin is an easy target. thanks for reading them! :D
(5) Comment by Rhapsody for Feanorian Haiku plus U... [Ch 1]
Oh Haiku's, I always marvel on how people can construct them so well! For me it has been ages since I tried my hand at those, but I really like how you wriggled in so much about their fates and characters, although I do admit the Ulmo one (followed closely by Curufin) had me giggling. :)
Re: (5) Comment by Rhapsody for Feanorian Haiku plus U... [Ch 1]
Thank you! Some of them were very difficult because there isn't enough material to go on. The twins in particular. But if someone likes even one, then it is worth it :D
(6) Comment by whitewave for Feanorian Haiku plus ... [Ch 1]
My favorite was Celegorm's haiku (what can I say, I'm partial to anything that pokes fun at him ;-D). Curufin's is also LOL-funny. Thanks for sharing.