Comments on Lack of Privacy

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Forgive my redundancy, but I have to say it again: you have created so much tantalizing detail with a few brushstrokes in "Lack of Privacy."  Maitimo lets us in on uptight political Nolofinw, and with one sweep of his arm, Káno indicates that living under the roof of the more tolerant but highly controlling Fëanáro isn't a much better option.  

The interchange with Macalaurë regarding Finwë's suggestion is a good one.  And Finwë's opinion (as relayed by Káno) that Fëanáro is something of a helicopter parent is a striking one.  And I just like Macalaurë in this piece in general (as well as in Mereth Aderthad, of course).  

The "smut" ;^) is handled well (no double entendre intended).  As a reader, I'm really picky about the slash genre.  More often than not, the pairing comes across as a man and a woman-in-a-man's body.  You are among a very few writers who are able to convey such pairings as two men.  An example: "Findekáno grabbed him in a retaliatory neck lock and butted his head against him gently."  Not too mention Maitimo complaining about the catapulting, exuberant Káno as being too heavy!

But this says it all to me in this "smutty" gift for IgB: 

"But who could stay gloomy in the presence of the ever-tactile Findekáno of the quicksilver smile and heart as big as the sea."

Truly.  I certainly can't stay gloomy.  Your Káno is a fantastic character, and I'm always eager to see him. 



Thanks so much for commenting. You make it sound so good. I'll buy this review! I do love these characters and am happy that the points you make here reflect exactly what I hope the reader will get out of the story. Actually, this story came first into my head, but I had no intention of writing it anytime soon, if ever. I can't even write a "Do You Believe in Ghost?" crazy gag of a story without a backstory I guess. I do see Feanor as likely to have been one of the very first helicopter parent. That is one of my justifications for the attachment of his seven sons to him. That comes across in Dawn's AMC and even in her Light of the Roses, which is AU to her main storyline.

As much as I enjoyed "Do You Believe in Ghosts?" the wonderful story you wrote for my birthday, I also love this Maitimo and Findekano interlude. Only you could take a great little ficlet and get a plot bunny for a gapfiller that moves your M/F story arc along. You're incredible. As always, the two lovers are in top form, sparring and making up amid the swirl of family and the oversight of parents with very different world views. Thanks for this additional present. I'm one lucky guy!

How sweet, in the best possible sort of way, truly!

I've enjoyed your Maedros and Fingon cycle a great deal and have to say I agree with Pandemonium in that I am a picky gal about slash and that I think you do make it clear that these are two young, lovely and very masculine men in very physical and passionate love with one another rather than the guy and woman-in-man's body sort of deal (which, not to detract from anyone's right to identify with whatever gender and gendered traits they chose sometimes seems like the revenge of Krafft-Ebing). It was also most impressive because you managed to use an interlude to explore some of the tensions within the house of Finwe, especially with the righteous and political Fingolfin and the overbearing Feanor (helicopter parent, oh my!).  

Terrific!  Thanks!
