Comments on Forlorn

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A truly creepy -- and deliciously so -- horror story of the waning days for the First Age, and a great offering here on the SWG.  As a reader of Stephen King and Charles deLint, I'd say Forlorn is written in this tradition yet solidly set in Middle-earth. 

You build up the suspense beautifully and create an atmospheric piece with well-chosen imagery.  Once I started reading, I could not stop.

I really like the interaction of the characters, too.  You draw them as distinctive individuals with apparent cultural difference, and you do so in a subtle manner.  Very nice.  The very end *shiver* -- oh, yeah!  That was good!

Two very minor nit-picks.  Maia is singular; Maiar is plural.  Your Noldo ("Eru...) has quite a lengthy name.  As someone who writes predominantly OCs, I sympathize with coming up with palatable names that aren't ten syllables long ;^).  My favorite resource for name generation is found on Darth Fingon's Elf Fetish site.  Here's the link to the Quenya name-generator. There's a Sindarin name generator as well.  I'm especially fond of pixellated Fëanor.

An excellent read, Levade.  I hope to see more of your stories posted here.

Your descriptions of the ancient forest, the eerie noises and the miserable weather build a very spooky image of the ruin of Menegroth! And rightly so, as your unfortunate protoganist discovers...

I enjoyed this immensely, and look forward to seeing other stories :D