Compromised by spookystoy

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Chapter 1

Purple storm clouds merged with smoke from the battlefield in conspiracy to obscure the sun. The plain roiled with shadows — Morgoth’s army. From their hilltop encampment, Curufin and his brother watched as Orcs prowled among the dead littering the ground, despoiling foe and ally alike.

Curufin turned his back on the horror below. "Orcs are moving northwest," he observed. "Our position will be compromised."

Sitting next to him, Celegorm nodded. "Someone should do something about that."

"Any suggestions?"

Celegorm grinned. "Shoot accurately."

Curufin laughed. "I always do." He slid a quiver over his shoulder, nudging Celegorm. "Hand me my bow."


Chapter End Notes

One of my earliest drabbles, and I ended up cutting a lot out of it. I'm not sure it works as intended. Just wanted to get across that confidence I'm sure these two possessed even in the face of overwhelming uncertainty and defeat.

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