My Greatest Fear by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


A ficlet in which Fingon visits Maedhros at Himring Hill and they confess their greatest fears to one another. (Fingon/Maedhros: soft R, at the highest.)

My entry for day 13 of the SWG Back to Middle-earth Month challenge. The prompt: Write a story where the characters have to confront their greatest fears.


Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Romance

Challenges: B2MeM 2009

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Mature Themes

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 606
Posted on 14 March 2009 Updated on 14 March 2009

This fanwork is complete.

My Greatest Fear

Read My Greatest Fear

The castle on Himring Hill remained cool even in fair weather. But in full winter, the chill could reach bone deep. It heartened Fingon to notice that the suite of rooms Maedhros had chosen as his personal quarters were not overly large. With their low-fashioned ceilings they could be comfortably heated by the two large, open fireplaces. The grey stones were all but hidden by heavy wall-coverings in opulent shades of rust, green, and crimson. Maedhros’s own battle standard hung over the mantelpiece: blood red, with a proudly-centered, glittering golden star of Fëanor. 

Maedhros leaned against the mantlepiece looking into the flames, before suddenly swiveling to face Fingon. His cheeks had flushed from the heat. The candlelight reflecting in his pale grey eyes and sensuality of his mouth moved Fingon to sigh in satisfaction. ‘Still incredibly beautiful,’ he thought, ‘and still wants me.’ They had been separated far too long. Maedhros held out his hand to Fingon, who crossed the room hastily to take it and raise it to his lips.

“I’m sorry I did not come sooner.” He turned Maedhros’s hand over and kissed the palm, before placing it against his cheek. “But you could visit us more often also. From what I observed today, things appear well-ordered here. Surely there is someone who can manage in your absence.” Fingon searched Maedhros’s face for any sign of despondency. Aside from a slight pallor--it was winter in Himring after all--he appeared well.

A knowing smile pulled at Maedhros’s lips. “I know what you are looking for in me. There is nothing grim to find. No moping. Only that I tend to get lost in the daily tedium of keeping things running here. It should be much easier now. The construction is finished. Our defenses are in place. In the spring, I promise, I will come to you.”

“That would work perfectly. Since I intend to stay here until spring, you can ride back with me.” He got the laugh he was aiming at with that remark. “I’m sorry, Maitimo. I realize it really irritates you, but you know my greatest fear,” he said, amused belatedly at the level of protectiveness he heard in his own voice.

“Oh, that I do. Every time you come here, you half expect to find me wallowing in melancholy, if not barking mad. How do I look this time?”

“Every bit as pulchritudinous and majestic as the powerful Lord of Himring Hill is widely reputed to be. And I like what you have done with your rooms here as well. Very warm and cozy. A great improvement over the last time I saw them.” Fingon wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him until Maedhros let out an unlordly squeak. “So, what’s your biggest fear?” Fingon asked.

“That you would stop caring, of course.” Maedhros’s voice rang falsely light, before he kissed him. Fingon’s memory had not betrayed him; the kiss was as hot and sweet as ever.

When Maedhros finally released his mouth, Fingon whispered, raw in his urgency, “I’ll repeat it has many times as I need to until maybe you finally hear me. That is bloody well never going to happen. I will always, always love you.”

“I love you so, Findekáno. You are everything to me,” Maedhros said, stroking Fingon’s cheek, his eyes finally completely soft. “Would you rather eat here tonight? I can request food to be brought up from the kitchen. Since, we ate in the main hall at midday, we are owed a little time to ourselves. Everyone knows that I’ve ordered a welcoming feast prepared for tomorrow night.”

“You know what I want,” Fingon said, pulling Maedhros toward the bed.

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This was such a moving & elegantly read and I think you gave the prompt an immense romantic spin, yet so fitting! Fingon as a character, his growth and confidence just jumps at me. Its in his words and movements, equal partners yet unique alone. Then there is another thing, even though both know that their love for each other is endless, the third fear to me is the risk of growing apart, especially if both live so far apart for that greater cause. Why I suddenly have to think of 'Never tear us apart ' by INXS, but it suits them.

What a terrific comment, Rhapsody. I love the lyrics and think they fit perfectly with this story. (You are the second person who has given me lyrics for these guys! Pandemonium gave me lyrics for A New Day.) I think I will not be able to restrain myself from posting them and bagging about you finding them on my LJ. I am also excited that you see Fingon growing—still the same guy, but his experiences are sobering him (just a bit!).

Ooooh, the opening lines are wonderful.  I especially like "in deep winter, the cold could reach bone deep."  Exactly how I imagine the stronghold at Himring.  The detailed description of the suite is noteworthy, too.  Easy for me to imagine the constrast of the cold winter without and the warmth within.

you half expect to find me wallowing in melancholy, if not barking mad.

Fingon wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him until Maedhros let out an unlordly squeak

These made me smile.  A lot.  I love their interactions and banter.  And nice fade to black.

A nicely drawn sketch of these fellows that fits snugly in their story arc. 

I am so glad that it worked for you, since you know my story arc about as well as anyone could. I was wondering how it would be during the period when they do not get to spend very much time together, both involved with everything they need to be doing apart. It seemed to me that Fingon would still be worrying about Maedhros and not having Fingon around might make Maedhros worry they could grow apart. Yet in my version they do not. I guess you already figured that, despite his vulnerability, my Maedhros does not do emo, but deep down inside . . .

This glimpse at older Mairtimo and Findekano burdened by the routine and  reponsibilities of running their lands but still perfectly in love is  lovely. And, as it was said, to turn this prompt into a sweet, romantic addition to the story arc is quite a feat. It makes perfect sense that at this point their greatest fear should be themselves and their relation rather than dragons and orcish raids. I loved the story.

Thanks, Angelica, for reading and commenting. So happy the ficlet worked for you. You are right that I am thinking of this period as a relatively quiet as far as outright hostilities against the Enemy, but also one when they are forced to be very productive. (I suppose I think of Maedhros as handling what we would call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder very well in light of his past experiences, but that Fingon would remain concerned for him.)

Contrary to the previous ficlet I just read, this has a serious touch to it, but is no less enjoyable. I admire how you portrayed them with the burden of their years and experiences, but they still have a joyful, youthful note to their attitude. Well done again :)

Thank you so much. I am so happy it worked for you. I often feel a little uneasy about giving a positive spin on their lives when so many writers love to milk the tragedy. But real life has taught me that one could not be as effective as either of them if their focus had been entirely on those aspects. And yet...the fears are there, of course. (By the way, I just read your most recent Maedhros story, which I liked very much. Still intend to comment on it, but there is so much to say I have been stalling. Will do it properly soon.)