Comments on A Matter of Cultural Differences

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Thank you, Whitewave - I'm so glad you enjoyed this little story!

It was inspired by a discussion about The Laws & Customs and whether Elves actually feel desire. I still have no idea, but had a great time imagining what they might have believed themselves.

I'm terribly sorry to be so slow to reply; RL has been rather hectic recently.

Ehehehe! I really like this, Lissa. Stories that arise from provocative discussions are more often tha not funny, original and thoughtful, and this delivers on all accounts!

Erestor's discomfort/prudishness was fun to read, and you did a splendid job of getting us 'into his head'. And as other reviewers have noted, despite the light humour, there are some very deft moments of thoughtfulness - Gwirith's awestruck - innocent, even if she doesn't quite act on it so innocently ;) - admiration of Erestor, and in turn his reminder of her mortality in the small details.

That last bit is just the icing on the cake. :D And it's so nice to see a story taking place in Minas Tirith during this time, too!

Fantastic work, I really enjoyed reading this!

Thank you so much for your lovely review, Klose! I do apologize for not replying sooner - I haven't logged in lately and therefore did not notice your post.

It's wonderful to hear that you liked this wacky story and I'm particularly pleased that you appreciated the two main characters. Isn't it weird how protective one becomes of these imaginary people? *g*

As to Minas Tirith, I imagine the story to have taken place shortly before the war broke out; the city must have been at the height of its glory at this time.


You know, before I registered on this site, I had been book-marking stories from authors here for ages.  Some stories, in particular, stuck with me, even though I could not remember the pen-names of the authors.

This is one of those absolute favourites.  I love the banter between Elrond and Erestor, and the witty barbs they share with one another.  Erestor has this reputation for severity, and it is so funny seeing him consciously subverting it in order to wrong-foot his friends.  The scene at the end with Elrond coming over all prudish always makes me snort with laughter.

For all the laughs, though, there is a note of realism there, a note of sadness in the form of Gwirith, who is an excellent OC.  She's sharp, bold and very funny, but you've got to wonder what became of her, what events led her to take up her line of work. She must've had her fair share of troubles in her life, and I'm glad Erestor put aside his 'Most Proper Elf' status to give her esteem a little boost.  She probably needed it.

Thanks for writing this. :)

Thank you, Ada - what a lovely review!  

It's always wonderful to hear that people enjoyed my story and liked the characters. For some reason, Erestor is often portrayed as either a very sexually active Elf (to say the least) or a bit of a bore, so I thought it might be fun to turn things on the head. I also very much appreciate your kind words about Gwirith; I'm sure Erestor's farewell secured her reputation and increased her earnings for the next couple of years.

Thank you again for commenting. :-)