Three Sides to the Same Story by Fireworks

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" greatly did Gwindor love her beauty that he named her Faelivrin, which is the gleam of the sun on the pools of Ivrin." (The Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien)

Villanelle for a treacherous heart

How can one live, forever, in twain torn,
in need of naught but what one cannot hold?
Those feelings from a treacherous heart are born.
Unnatural love, black, blind, cursed, and forlorn
abashes pride that once shone forth as gold.
How can one live, forever, in twain torn?
If, when the sun warms down one wants to mourn,
and nights of loveliest moonlight leave one cold?
Those feelings from a treacherous heart are born
and leave the very body spent and worn,
instead of owning trust that makes one bold.
How can one live, forever, in twain torn--
A mis'ry-maker martyr, earning scorn,
as lowly as the earth's most rotten mold?
Those feelings from a treacherous heart are born--
a heart that, rent with pain, has grown a thorn;
a heart that, though once bright, to dark is sold.
How can one live, forever, in twain torn?
Oh, what I'd give to never have been born!

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