Comments on Whom They Fear

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On finding this story again and re-reading it, I realize that it was one of the stories that I had in the back of my head when I wrote the beginning of "Cabbages". That episode with Curufinwe is heart-rending and the ending is  most effective, extremely worrying! Do you really dislike Fingon? You seem to describe him so sympathetically--both here and, through they eyes of Angrod, in that story about the burning of the ships and the desertion of Fingolfin & co. in Araman, I think?

Thank you so much! This is my favorite piece of Silfic so far (other than my AU baby), so it's gratifying to hear that readers think it works well. And I'm flattered that you had it in the back of your head when writing your own story!

I don't particularly like him, no. It's a bit embarassing because he's a fan favorite, but we've always had a cool relationship. He has one over Galadriel (who has creeped me out since I saw her in the Fellowship movie; not at all evocative of the Virgin Mary, which is what I've heard Tolkien was trying to get across), but that's about it. [He's better off than the rest of his family.]

Having said that, Lyra's Tempered Steel has done much to reconcile me to the Nolofinwions (particularly the chief culprit himself), but we're still at arm's length. I try to keep them in character rather than throwing them to the gutter, so I'm glad they (or at least Fingon) come across sympathetically, as I strive for that with most of the characters (I can't provide that kind of treatment for Melkor, because... well, there's an inherent difficulty in trying to justify a Satan-character's actions. But I digress.).

Incidentally, it tickles me to know that you read White Ash and found something worthwhile in it, as I've contemplated taking it down several times. It was embarassing to reread when I came back across it.

Thanks so much for the review!