At the Edge of the Precipice by Cirdan

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Maedhros is tormented in Angband by Sauron and frees himself from Sauron by submitting to Morgoth.

Major Characters: Maedhros, Sauron

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Rape/Nonconsensual Sex, Torture, Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic), Violence (Graphic)

Chapters: 3 Word Count: 10, 018
Posted on 27 August 2009 Updated on 27 August 2009

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

Maedhros was brought before Morgoth in chains. A beam of wood rested
on his shoulders behind his head, and his arms were bound to that beam.
He had been stripped of his armor and came before the Throne of
Angband in his underclothing, and that had hung in tatters about him
because of the whips of the Balrogs. Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs, forced the
son of Feanor onto his knees before the Throne.

"Maedhros, Eldest Son of Feanor, certainly by now you see the folly of the
boasts of Feanor," said Morgoth. His voice was dark and deep but still
powerful. Maedhros felt himself compelled to listen, to obey. "Serve me,
and I will spare the Noldor. I am not a fool. I see clearly the skill of the
Noldor, and it is of great use to me. I would have your people build for me
a kingdom more glorious than Valinor. Yea, and I will even allow your
people to dwell in it as my thralls. But defy me, and I will hunt the Noldor
like mere beasts."

"Do with me as you will, but I will not bend to your will," Maedhros said.

"Will you not?" Morgoth smiled, and the throneroom seemed to fall chill.

The black eyes of Morgoth pierced Maedhros's mind. Already on his
knees, Maedhros now fell onto his face. He felt powerless and unable to
breathe. It was like that time in Valinor when the Black Cloud had
attacked Formenos and the sons of Feanor had been powerless to aid their
grandfather Finwe. "You will yet submit," said the voice that seemed to be
whispering next to his very ear. "And then you will betray your people."

Maedhros's eyes flared. He twisted his head from the floor so that he could
meet Morgoth's dark eyes. The Dark Lord hesitated for a moment, for in
those eyes was the Light of the Silmarils. The Iron Crown weighed
heavily on Morgoth's head and the burning that never ceased became more
painful. The Dark Lord grimaced. At that, Maedhros smiled.

"I will not submit to you, Morgoth, Black Foe of the World," Maedhros
managed through gritted teeth. "Be he foe or friend, be he foul or clean,
brood of Morgoth or bright Vala, Elda or Maia or Aftercomer, Man yet
unborn upon Middle-earth, neither law, nor love, nor league of swords,
dread nor danger, not Doom itself, shall defend him from Feanor, and
Feanor's kin, who so hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh, finding keepeth
or afar casteth a Silmaril." At each syllable, said with crisp enunciation, as
was the wont of Feanor's sons, Morgoth felt the Silmarils sear his
supposed immortal flesh. They filled the throneroom with brilliance that
drove away his foul servants, and even Gothmog retreated with howls of

Maedhros continued, "This swear we all: death we will deal him ere Day's
ending, woe unto world's end! Our word hear thou, Eru All-Father!" The
mention of Eru caused Morgoth to writhe in agony. The Silmarils upon the
Iron Crown weighed more than a mountain upon his head. He cast it off.
The crown bounced once on the floor and then skidded until it hit the wall
and lay still.

Still, Maedhros continued, "To the everlasting Darkness doom us if our
deed faileth. On the holy mountain hear in witness our vow remember,
Manwe and Varda!"

"Silence!" Morgoth roared. A lightning bolt shot forth from his hand and
struck Maedhros. The beam upon his shoulders snapped in two and
became charred. Maedhros gasped for breath but was inwardly pleased
with himself. The Silmarils had recognized him. Morgoth rose from his
throne and kicked Maedhros. He then retrieved the Iron Crown and placed
it atop his head. Maedhros could see the damage upon Morgoth's hands,
and Morgoth's face became contorted as the crown again weighed heavily
and burned with the power of the Silmarils, but he did not remove the
crown. "I will not kill you, Son of Feanor. If you will not serve me, then
you shall toil in my dungeons and watch as I crush the Noldor." Then
Morgoth stormed from the throneroom.

After several moments, a servant of Morgoth came to take Maedhros
away. Maedhros did not move. His face was still pressed to the cold floor.
The encounter had been too much for him. He felt drained. His knees were
like water. Part of him did not want to live, but he knew that he had to if
there was to be any chance of fighting Morgoth another day. He feared
what Morgoth would do and prayed that the sons of Feanor would be able
to withstand him. The servant of Morgoth eased him up gently.

"Maitimo, you should not have angered the Dark Lord." The voice was
melodious, as Morgoth's had once been, and Maedhros was surprised to
recognize it. He tried to look, but every movement made his neck ache.

"Try not to move," said Morgoth's servant. He stepped into Maedhros's
line of sight.

"Maimaite," Maedhros said.

Maimaite nodded and said, "It is I."

Maedhros knew this servant of Morgoth from the House of Aule.

Maimaite was a Maia and a student of the forge. Like all the Maiar, he
was beautiful. He'd chosen a form like that of the Noldor, and so his hair
was as dark as charcoal and eyes grey but bright. More lovely than his
incarnate form, though, were the works of his hands, and so the Eldar
called him Maimaite, the Beautiful-handed. Once, long ago, he and Feanor
had been close in friendship. Maedhros's eyes narrowed.

"So that's how Morgoth knew of the location of the Silmarils," Maedhros

"Oh, please, Maitimo," Maimaite said. "There were only two Noldorin
cities, and it wasn't hard to guess in which was hidden the Silmarils. Yes, I
did tell my Master about the chamber of iron, but even if I had not he
would have wrecked all of Formenos and found the Jewels of Feanor."

"Master?" Maedhros snorted. "So then you serve the Dark Lord now."

"I do." Maimaite unchained Maedhros and picked him up like a babe. The
power of the Maia was still very great though he'd turned from the
goodness of his created nature. He brought Maedhros deep into the
dungeons of Angband and laid him onto a bed in one of the chambers.

Maimaite tended to Maedhros's wounds with gentle hands, bringing relief
to the burnt flesh and tired muscles. "Go ahead and ask," Maimaite said
after Maedhros had been silent for a long time.

"Why are you doing this?" Maedhros asked.

"Lord Morgoth commanded that you were to live and toil for him in
thralldom," Maimaite said. "You cannot do that if you are unwell."

Maedhros felt the strength return to his limbs as Maimaite continued his
ministrations. The Maia gave him new clothes, black but clean.

"I was not referring to the healing of my hurts," Maedhros said. "Why do
you serve Morgoth, Maimaite? You were once loyal to Aule, and you
seem to be of a good heart still."

Maimaite smiled a bit sadly. "Ah, Maitimo, you cannot imagine what
power Morgoth wields. He is a Vala, and long ago, he cowed my heart
into submission. I thought myself free of him, but once he summoned me
to his service again, I found that I was not. Perhaps you have not heard of
those days when Melkor first rebelled and turned many of the Maiar of
fiery nature to his bidding. Only Osse has escaped him, and that because
of his wife, Lady Uinen, but even now, the violent nature has not wholly
departed from his heart."

"You can be free of him," Maedhros said. Now healed, he gripped
Maimaite's arm. "We will fight him, and you can join us in our rebellion."

"Rebellion?" Maimaite laughed. "Nay, Noldo, do not forget that your
rebellion is against the authority of the Valar, not against Morgoth.
Against Morgoth, it is war." Though he specialized in matters of the forge,
long association with Feanor had made Maimaite very keen on the forging
of words into sentences.

"Then join in our war against Morgoth," Maedhros said. "You need not
serve him. You are mighty in power and would be most welcomed aid in
our war."

Maimaite only smiled. "No, Maitimo. In time, you will understand that I
came to serve Morgoth because, like the Noldor, I rebelled against the
Valar." He held up his hand to forestall Maedhros's words. "We will speak
of this later if you wish, but not now. My Master commanded that you
were to toil in Angband. I know that you will not forge weapons that will
be used against your kin, so instead you will suffer torment in the dark
mines of Ered Engrin, the Iron Mountains."

"Are you not afraid that I will seek to escape?"

"Do you want me to put you in chains?" Maimaite asked. Maedhros shook
his head. "Well then, I will not. But understand this: you are honor-bound
to remain in Ered Engrin. You are a prisoner of Angband, and you will
remain as such until your kin rescue you, and you and I both have no
doubts that they will in time. I trust that you will not try something as
dishonorable as escaping before you are either traded in a parley or
rescued by the armies of the Eldar."

"Is that how it is?" Maedhros said.

"It is." Maimaite smiled. "I know. It is new to me as well. I did not take
place in the War of the Powers and so I know little of the laws of warfare."

Maimaite led Maedhros down the tunnels of the Iron Mountains until they
reached a dead end. "Here." He handed Maedhros a pick and gestured at a
bucket. "I have brought you here so that you may work in peace apart
from the Orcs and Trolls. You are to mine for iron ore. I will return when
you tire and bring you to your dungeon cell in Angband. You see? It is not
so different from working in the Pelori Mountains in search of gems and
precious stones."

"Are you trying to convince me to serve the Dark Lord?" Maedhros asked

"Indeed I am." Maimaite smiled. "And you are, in turn, free to try to
convince me to not serve Lord Morgoth when we converse on these
matters. But I'm afraid that now is not the time for such conversation. I
have other business to attend to." He half-bowed to Maedhros. "Work hard
though. I must bring the bucket of iron ore to Morgoth when you are
finished as proof of your suffering."

Though it seemed inappropriate to exchange such courtesy with the
enemy, Maedhros also inclined himself slightly to Maimaite. The Maia
left, and Maedhros took up the pick and sought for the iron ore as he'd
been bidden to do. He didn't expect his brothers to come to his rescue
soon, and so he knew he'd have to bide his time, work in thralldom until
that day came. His spirit was still bright from the Light of Aman, and so
he worked tirelessly for hours. Maimaite had left him food and water, and
Maedhros paused in his labor only for brief moments of repast. The Iron
Mountain was hard and unyielding, and each strike of the pick resonated
through the muscles of his arms in a way that was unlike his mining
experiences in the Pelori Mountains. Somehow, for some reason, the
torment felt good. Once he adjusted to the ringing of the pick as it struck
the mountain, Maedhros was able to think about other things as he toiled.
He had not been able to stop and reflect instead of simply react to a given
situation for a long time now.

Maedhros was stirred from his thoughts by Maimaite, saying, "I thought I
could trust you to be honorable, yet now I find you seeking escape from
your imprisonment. Don't you know that I will be the one punished if you

"I have done no such thing." Maedhros leaned his pick against the tunnel's
wall and wiped his brow. "As you can see, I have been laboring in torment
as you'd demanded."

Maimaite paused in his fury and gestured around. "All this? You've done
all this to torment yourself?"

Maedhros nodded. "When the bucket filled, I began to simply leave the
iron ore on the right side, the rubble on the left." He stopped and looked
back at his handiwork, but the lamp did not cast much light.

"You idiot," Maimaite said with a note of affection. He smiled. "You work
too hard. I've dealt too long with Orcs and Trolls, who are lazy and
pretend to work or will not work very hard unless pressed. Instead, I have
here one good miner who is worth a thousand of them." Maimaite
gestured. "Come. Let's have you bathe and refresh yourself after such hard
labor." After leading Maedhros down the tunnel for some time, Maimaite
stopped. "Here is where you first began your work. You have tunneled
farther than even I expected. At first, I'd thought that you were digging for
yourself a way of escape. But there is enough iron ore here to present to
Morgoth for at least a month. Perhaps you need not toil again for some

"It is my lot as a prisoner, is it not?" Maedhros said.

"Yay, but I am your warden, and I shall be the one to decide the extent of
your suffering." Maimaite shook his head. "Certainly if I left it to you, you
would torment yourself more severely than that designed by the Dark
Lord. Indeed, if I'm not careful, you may tunnel through the foundations of
Angband and bring its ruin."

"You flatter me, Lord Maia," Maedhros said. It was odd that they could
have a conversation so similar to one that would've occurred in the
Blessed Realm here in the lands of the Dark Lord.

A hot bath of clean water was prepared for Maedhros. He stripped and
sank into it gratefully. The heat eased the soreness in his muscles. It felt
like a good day, a productive day. Maimaite, sitting at the edge of the bath,
offered him some wine and refreshments.

"Will I be in debt to the Dark Lord if you show me such kindness?"
Maedhros asked.

"Of course not." Maedhros accepted the drink and was pleasantly
surprised when he sipped it. "It's from my personal collection," Maimaite
said with a smile. "Yavanna gave me several cases when I was still new to
this world."

"It's strong."

"Of course. It's nectar."

"Nectar?" Maedhros handed the glass back to Maimaite. "I cannot drink

"Why? Because the Valar say so? It is nothing more than strong wine."

Maimaite pushed the glass back to Maedhros.

"Surely you did not rebel against the Valar because of wine!" Maedhros
said. He sipped from the nectar once more. It was sweet and thick yet
smooth and more powerful than any wine. Maedhros felt his face flush. He
had not reacted such to alcohol since he was young.

"Nay. In the beginning, I feared Melkor's growing need to dominate the
will of others. I sought refuge in Valmar, as did many of the Ainur. There,
I became the pupil of Aule." Maimaite shook his head at the memories.

"Ah, but I did not know how deeply the Dark One had touched me. When
the Valar at last decided to overthrow Melkor in spite of the hurts that
such a battle would do to the world, I felt compelled to aid Melkor, but I
hid behind the standard of Aule."

"Then you did not rebel against the Valar, for thoughts are not deeds."

"You do not understand. I did betray them. Melkor's hold was strong over
me. He read my thoughts, and through me, he knew of the Valar's plans of
attack. It was not until my treachery was discovered that the Valar were at
last able to make headway in the war," Maimaite recalled.

"But after the Battle of the Powers and when Morgoth was chained, you
reformed and served the House of Aule," Maedhros said. "Surely the
Valar forgave you for your earlier crimes."

"Yes, and for a long time, I thought all was well. But the dark seed that
Melkor had planted in me festered, and unknown to even myself, I came
to resent the Rules of Valinor." Maimaite looked away, as if ashamed of
himself. "When Melkor at last revealed himself to be a Dark Lord, I was
drawn to him. I, too, wanted to subjugate others to my will. I could not do
so in Valinor, but I could as second in power to Melkor. And so I am here
in Angband, myself a Dark Lord, though one lesser than Lord Morgoth."

Maedhros shook his head. "Truly, I confess that I do not understand. I am
myself a prince, and I rule the lives of others as well. Am I then also evil?
And does Manwe not rule as High King of Arda? Is he evil too? Nay.
What, then, is the difference?"

"I said that I wished to subjugate others to my will, not that I wished to
rule them," Maimaite said. The word play again. Maedhros shook his head
again. "Still you do not understand? Perhaps it is because you are still
good at heart despite the rebellion and the kinslaying. Work the mines yet
longer and you will come to understand."

"Very well." Maedhros put his wineglass onto the floor beside the bath.
He stretched. His muscles, loosened from the warm bath, eased into the
stretch and purred to him. "In any case, it is my fate as a prisoner. I believe
I will be ready for more hard labor, and it may be as you say, that such
work will make your point clear to me."

"Yes." Maimaite smiled. "Would you like me to give you a massage?
Your muscles look relaxed, but they might enjoy the treat."

Maedhros flashed Maimaite a grateful smile. The Maia disrobed.

Maedhros turned to face the wall of the bath. He folded his arms on the
bath's edge and rested his cheek to his arms. Maimaite joined him in the
still warm water and moved over his flesh with strong, sure hands. His
back felt reborn as Maimaite rubbed his muscles. Maedhros became so
relaxed from the food, wine, and fine massage that he fell asleep in the

When he awoke, he was robed and sleeping in a bed in the dungeon of
Angband. He'd scarcely remembered that he was still a prisoner, and so he
was grateful for his harsh surroundings. Maimaite came to him some time
after he'd awakened. They had breakfast together. Then Maedhros was put
to work in the mines again. This routine happened several times, and each
time, Maedhros worked hard in search of the iron ore. He thought as he
worked, of his conversation with Maimaite, of the death of Finwe and
Feanor, of the theft of the Silmarils and the rape of the white ships of the
Teleri, and of the kinslaying. When he'd worked in the mines seven times,
at last, Maedhros understood the evil that Maimaite had sought to explain
to him.

Chapter End Notes

This is inspired very loosely by the three temptations of Jesus. "Be he friend or foe..." (X.112).

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Chapter 2

Read Chapter 2

That morning, Maimaite came to him as always, and over breakfast, the Maia said,
"You've done much with the mines in the south, and I do not want you to tunnel to
Beleriand itself. I think I will assign you to the eastern mountains. You may enjoy mining
there. I've chanced upon some geodes in the eastern mines from time to time."

"I will not work there or anywhere else in the mines of the Iron Mountains," Maedhros

Maimaite looked to him in surprise. "Will not?"

Maedhros nodded. "It has taken me long, but yesterday as I drifted off to sleep, I finally
understood what you meant of the black heart of Morgoth. Indeed, I have labored, and the
labor has been like that in Valinor, which I did for my own joy and the enrichment of
Arda. But I understand now what it means to be a thrall. I am not tired, but if I should tire
and choose to turn aside from my task, to instead ride upon a horse or read some old
scrolls, I would not be allowed to. I would be forced, against my will, to continue to do
that work that I do now freely."

"Ah." Maimaite looked pleased. "Yes, I see that you do understand the situation. I'd feared
that you would be too innocent to ever perceive the darkness of which I spoke. You could
tire and ask for rest from your task, but if I so desired, I would force you to work against
your will. I might even whip you when you refused still, and then you would not find the
work so joyous, so I would bind you in chains to prevent you from fleeing."

"Is that what you will do now?" Maedhros asked. "For as I have said, I will not work again
in these mines. I have learned the lessons of the mines. I will no longer hunt for the ore
that will allow you to make weapons to use against my brethren. Will you bind me with
chains and whip me until I submit?"

"Nay. I know you well, Son of Feanor. You would not break. You would let me whip and
beat you to the death before you submit," Maimaite said.

"Then what will you do now?"

"What indeed." Maimaite looked at the Prince of the Noldor thoughtfully. He rose and
spoke to a guard outside. Then he returned to their breakfast table. "Morgoth has left you
in my care, and it is my task to break your spirit. I will try to do that, but not by forcing
you to labor against the mountain." He rose. "But first, I desire to bathe. You may have
done so yesterday night, but I have not had such a luxury." He made a face. "The Orcs are
dirtier than rats."

After breakfast, they relocated to the bath. Maedhros sat at the bath's edge as Maimaite
cleansed himself. After several moments, Maimaite said, "Why don't you join me?"

Maedhros shrugged. He wasn't doing anything else. He stripped off his nightrobes, for he
had not yet changed into working clothes, and slipped into the hot water. Maimaite shook
his head and laughed lightly.

"What amuses you so?" Maedhros asked curiously.

"You." Maimaite came to Maedhros and pressed him up against the side of the bath. "You
are innocent despite the Kinslaying of Alqualonde. How long will it be before you truly
understand evil?" Maedhros was about to inquire further when he felt Maimaite's hands
moving over him. They did not move to massage his muscles or to scrub the dirt from his
body. Maimaite caressed Maedhros about his chest and sides.

"Stop that." Maedhros moved to push Maimaite away, but Maimaite caught his arms.

Maimaite pushed them up to the bath's edge and locked them into what Maedhros had
before thought to be handholds to aid in the entry and exit of the bath.

"Long have I desired you even when I worked in the forge of Aule, but the Valar do not
permit the union of a Maia and an Elda in Valinor. Here in Angband, though, it will be
allowed," Maimaite whispered into Maedhros's ear. "I have shown you every kindness
since you arrived here." His body pinned Maedhros's legs in place, and Maimaite's hands
slid over Maedhros's hips and down his thighs. "Surely that is worth something."

One hand moved against the side of Maedhros's buttocks. Maedhros's shifting brought a
smile to Maimaite. Maimaite pressed himself to Maedhros and brought his lips to the base
of Maedhros's neck. He suckled there gently. Maedhros had seen his father doing such
things to his mother before, but he'd never experienced it himself. His muscles tensed, and
his heart pumped nervously. Maimaite kissed along his up-stretched arm. When his lips
were level with Maedhros's ear, he turned to kissing Maedhros's well-formed earlobe.
Maedhros shuddered. Maimaite rubbed his torso to Maedhros's. His tongue flickered out
like a snake's and licked Maedhros behind the ear. Then, very slowly, he licked
Maedhros's ear from base to tip. Maedhros closed his eyes and gasped softly. He was
hardening. All his life, he had wanted to do such things, but he'd never found a partner.
Never had he imagined that his partner would be a man, a Maia, one of the Beautiful Ones.

"Oh my..." Maimaite's words were a hot breath against Maedhros's ear. Maimaite shifted
away for a moment. Then he readjusted himself and rubbed his crotch to Maedhros's
brightening tree. Maedhros was hardening far faster than Maimaite, whose skin was
flushed but shaft still limp. Maimaite smiled. "You are more eager than I expected," he
breathed. He kissed Maedhros's ear and trailed kisses down Maedhros's neck. Maedhros
moved his chin aside. Maimaite's hands caressed upward along Maedhros's thighs and
circled his hips suggestively.

"Because I've loved you since the Days of Bliss," Maedhros said softly as Maimaite
sucked again at the base of his neck. Maimaite paused.

"You cannot mean that," Maimaite said. He licked his way up to Maedhros's other ear.

"How dare you trifle with me at such a time." His tongue traced along Maedhros's ear and
his mouth opened until he engulfed Maedhros's ear and sucked it into his mouth.

Maedhros gasped. His rear tightened, and his crotch thrust forward. Maimaite moved
against him. " Lord." Maedhros matched Maimaite's movements, and his rubbing
made Maimaite harden as well. Maimaite's hands positioned themselves behind
Maedhros's buttocks and pulled Maedhros to him. His lips chewed lightly on Maedhros's
ear. "It is true. I have loved you since our days in the Blessed Realm, but never like this,"
Maedhros confessed. Maimaite rewarded him by moving his tongue along the engulfed
ear. "Ah..."

After several moments of pleasure, Maimaite drew his head back. "Can it be true?" he
wondered aloud as his eyes met Maedhros's. "Surely you were speaking of the love of
friends, but can that, perhaps, become the passion of lovers?" Maedhros groaned, for
Maimaite had paused from his kisses and caresses.

"I do not know, Maimaite," Maedhros said, "but we can try." He writhed against
Maimaite's body. "If you are willing, we may try to love each other." Maimaite let his
guard drop as he considered this proposition. Maedhros snaked his legs around Maimaite
and pulled the Maia to him. Maedhros's wrists were still trapped above him, but Maedhros
was very skilled in using his legs to position Maimaite closer so that their trees touched
and kindled to fire. Maimaite did not try to win free. He arms circled to Maedhros's back
and he clung to Maedhros for balance. His lips moved against Maedhros's neck, and he
sucked harder as their rhythm became more set and stronger against each other.

"Let me," Maedhros said. Maimaite looked to Maedhros in search of the meaning of his
words, but Maedhros did not bother to explain. He hooked himself under Maimaite's chin
and began to return the kisses and nibbles that Maimaite had given him earlier. Maimaite's
heart raced. He threw back his head, and his arms tightened about Maedhros. "Mm, yes,"
Maedhros mumbled into Maimaite's skin as he sought for Maimaite's mouth.

Their lips met, and Maedhros could hear the Music of Arda beating in his ears. Their
kisses were open mouthed, and in one careless kiss, a drop of saliva dripped from the side
of Maedhros's mouth. Maimaite thought nothing of it. He licked it up and then licked the
side of Maedhros's mouth. Maedhros twisted his head to meet him and caught the tongue
in his mouth. Maedhros sucked on it eagerly. Their hips met no less eagerly, and their trees
shone with a great light. Maedhros's member burst into song and spilled out hot against
Maimaite's flesh. For that moment, Maedhros held his breath, with Maimaite's tongue still
in his mouth, and felt the Music of Arda move through him. Then he released Maimaite's
tongue. The great song had ended in a bright crescendo, and now, Maedhros felt a bit
sleepy and uninterested in the kisses and caresses of before. It took him a moment longer
to realize that Maimaite had not released and was now softening.

"I'm sorry, Maimaite," Maedhros said with a look of embarrassment. "I should've waited
for you."

Maimaite shook his head. "I do not begrudge you the pleasure that you've experienced,
Maitimo. I was much further off from climaxing than you." He freed Maedhros's wrists
from the manacles by the bath's edge.

"Next time I'll try to be more considerate," Maedhros said gravely.

Maimaite only smiled. They rose from their bath and dressed, and Maimaite led Maedhros
to a different room, a larger room with a great bed. Maedhros colored slightly but sat on
the bed's edge with Maimaite.

"Did you really mean what you said earlier? Or were you simply caught up in the moment
of passion?" Maimaite asked.

"I am a man of my word," Maedhros said. "We are no longer in Valinor. It is said that a
man's nature is to find a woman and wed, but I never found any woman that entranced me
as you do. Perhaps I enjoy the works of the forge too much, and there are few women like
my mother Nerdanel who share in the pleasures of the smith. You are skilled at crafts of
the hand. Let us try to encourage our love to blossom to romance."

"Are you trying to turn me from evil with love?" Maimaite asked.

"Aren't you trying to turn me to evil with lust?" Maedhros rebutted. Maimaite kissed
Maedhros in answer.

"Win or lose, I can think of nothing that I'd want more than to try this contest of wills,"
Maimaite confessed.

"I can." Maedhros smiled mischievously. He moved to the center of the bed. He knelt there
and reared himself up, stretching his arms behind his head. Maimaite looked on in
appreciation at the well-formed body for which Maedhros had been named long ago.

Maedhros slid his outer robe off gracefully but slowly and then tossed it aside. He ran his
hand over his chest suggestively and then slowly began to unfasten the frog ties at the front
of his shirt. When he was halfway down, he licked his finger and ran it over his partially
exposed skin. Maedhros was used to his own body, and the motions he made did not excite
him. It was the look on Maimaite's face that turned Maedhros on. Maedhros leisurely
undid the rest of his shirt and parted it to expose his nipples. He suckled on his thumb and
then on his pointer finger before he began to massage his left nipple. He closed his eyes
briefly and imagined that it was Maimaite's lips teasing his flesh. He was hardening too
quickly again. Maedhros chided himself and reigned in his passion.

Maedhros stood and began to dance. All the Eldar knew how to dance; few could dance as
Maedhros did. He moved with grace that matched well with his beauty, but there was
strength in his movements. His muscles flexed and tightened as he brought his arms in
fluid curves ever back towards his body. His hips swayed in smooth rhythm to a song of
summer that Maglor had long ago composed. He slipped the shirt off and moved to where
Maimaite watched. Maedhros continued the dance, moving suggestively against Maimaite
and then retreating when Maimaite tried to take him. Maedhros smiled as a wave of desire
swept over him. He raised his hands into the air and turned before retreating in quick,
graceful steps further from Maimaite. Maedhros slowly wriggled out of his pants and
rocked his hips back and forth, turning as he did so to allow Maimaite to see him from
different angles. His loincloth seemed ridiculously small for the bulge underneath.
Maedhros dropped himself onto his hands and knees and crawled over to Maimaite. He sat
in his lap with bare legs on either side of Maimaite's body. His upper body continued to
move to Maglor's song, and his hands flirted with the ties of Maimaite's shirt. When
Maimaite tried to kiss him, he dodged. Maimaite surrendered again and suffered himself to
only watch the beautiful body before him. After several moments of dancing, Maedhros
shifted and ran his hands down to Maimaite's crotch. The Maia was hard but not hard
enough. Maedhros squeezed the tree and began to massage it with strong hands. He shifted
so that he sat atop Maimaite's right thigh and moved his crotch against Maimaite's thigh in
rhythm with the movements of his hands. Maimaite watched Maedhros hungrily and
swelled under Maedhros's touch. When Maimaite was long enough, Maedhros shifted
himself on top of the hardness and moved against it. Maedhros leaned back and balanced
on his left arm. His right hand ripped the loincloth from his own impressive elfiness and
massaged it. He had to remind himself that he was massaging it for show, not to finish
himself off. Maimaite apparently enjoyed the sight before him. He put his hands on
Maedhros's hips and pulled him close. He became hot and sweaty, not just hard.

With great reluctance, Maedhros pulled himself away. Maimaite's eyes flashed
dangerously. Maedhros laid himself flat on his stomach and undid the ties of Maimaite's
pants. He parted the front and brought Maimaite's length forth. The danger in Maimaite's
eyes became a look of joy, and the corners of his mouth tipped up slightly. He leaned back
slightly to allow Maedhros easier access. Maedhros took the length in his mouth and
swallowed it. As he serviced Maimaite, Maedhros rubbed his own crotch to the bed, and
he knew that Maimaite was undoubtedly watching his ass. Maedhros imagined the length
in his mouth jabbing into and withdrawing from his rear. There would be some pain but
nothing that he could not endure. The closeness of the souls would bring such ecstasy that
the pain would hardly be felt. He sucked hard. His crotch was sticky with sweat and hot.

He parted his legs slightly, but it did little to cool the fire of his flesh. Maedhros let his
saliva wet the hard rod in his mouth as he drew out. Maedhros drew himself up, pressing
him body ever against Maimaite's.

When he was level with Maimaite, Maedhros said, "Take me, my Lord." He did not wait
for Maimaite's answer or even for a kiss. Maedhros simply turned around and knelt on
hands and knees before the Maia. He heard Maimaite shift. The hard tip of Taniquetil
nudged at his rear. Maedhros parted his legs farther and rested his head against the bed
between his forearms. The entry was slow and sweet. Maedhros knew that it was supposed
hurt the first time, but it didn't. Maedhros's inner fire engulfed him like a shield, and
though his mind registered the physical penetration, somehow, he couldn't feel it.

Maedhros impaled himself again on Maimaite, but still he felt nothing. Maedhros
continues to reach out throughout their coupling, but he felt as if his body was not his own.

Finally, physically worn and emotionally exhausted, Maedhros blacked out.

When Maedhros awakened, Maimaite was nibbling on his ear. Maedhros groaned. His
body was sore. He felt tired and guilty of all that had happened. Maimaite mistook the
groan for one of pleasure and licked his earlobe. Maimaite's hands moved over Maedhros's
body, grabbing and squeezing where they could. Maimaite dipped his finger into a jar
nearby and ran his finger along Maedhros's lips. It was honey, and Maimaite now drew
lines of honey along Maedhros's body and licked it up. When Maedhros at last felt strong
enough in body and mind, he opened his eyes. Maimaite was naked this time, but instead
of the beautiful form of a Maia, Maedhros perceived a dark shape molesting him. He
remembered the burned form of Morgoth and shuddered. Maimaite misunderstood the
shudder for one of eagerness and grasped between Maedhros's legs. Maedhros recoiled.

"Maitimo?" Maimaite's voice was meant to be concerned, but Maedhros heard the fair
word echo hollowly. Maedhros closed his eyes for a brief moment to gather his strength
and then faced Maimaite.

"My father named Melkor Morgoth, Black Foe of the World," Maedhros said. "Perhaps it
is appropriate that I should be the one to name his chief captain: Sauron, the Abhorred."
Sauron's expression darkened, and it was all the more terrible because Maedhros could no
longer see his fair form.

"What are you talking about, Maitimo?"

"I was a fool," Maedhros said ruefully. "I should have realized that the nectar was
poisoned. What is not tainted in this foul place? But my mind was befuddled, and so I
believed erroneously that I could turn you back to good with my love. I did not perceive at
the time that all love had long departed from your heart. Even in Aman, when you served
Aule, you were but biding your time and awaiting the release of your Dark Master."

"Little good will your sight do you," said Sauron. His form swelled until it became that of
a large werewolf. In that body, he was even stronger than before. He pinned Maedhros
beneath him and grinned with wicked teeth. "A pity you have learned the truth so soon. I
would have enjoyed having you as my sex toy, and you would have enjoyed it as well."

Maedhros said nothing. He did not shrink from the horrible red eyes that sought to
dominate his will. Sauron reached between Maedhros's legs again. Maedhros knew that he
did not have the strength to resist, but he tried to nevertheless. Sauron held him down. His
black hand caressed Maedhros's inner thigh and the jewels between, but Maedhros did not
harden. Even if Maedhros had not been able to see through his fair form, disgust would
have overcome his desire. This black-hearted creature was not the Maia who Maedhros
had once loved as a fellow smith. He was a foul servant of Morgoth who delighted in the
torment of others. His grin widened as he watched Maedhros struggle against him. Saliva
dripped from his jaw and burned Maedhros's skin. Maedhros hadn't been expecting that.

He screamed.

To his horror, he felt Sauron harden at his scream. The dark tower pressed against
Maedhros. His tongue lapped at Maedhros's face, and each lick burned like acid. Maedhros
gritted his teeth and did not cry out again, but the very tension in his jaw and muscles as he
fought the pain turned Sauron on. A claw languidly cut into his side. It traced its way
along his chest and over his nipple. Maedhros gasped. He could barely contain himself.

The pain was excruciating. He had no doubt that the claw was venomous. Sauron kissed
Maedhros with his great maw and stuck his snake-like tongue into Maedhros's mouth.

Maedhros tried to turn his head away, but Sauron pursued him, bit him, and claimed his
mouth again. Maedhros's throat burned with the poison and he tried not to swallow.

Sauron pushed his hard bone to Maedhros's soft shaft. He ground himself hard against
Maedhros until Maedhros wondered if his elfiness was permanently damaged.

Sauron howled in triumph. He pushed Maedhros's legs up to the sides of his head. A tail
brushed against Maedhros's exposed rear like sandpaper. Though Maedhros knew that
Sauron was watching his every expression, he could not help but to close his eyes to that
foul face so close to his own. He felt the hot breath of Sauron's laughter on his skin. Then,
Sauron thrust himself into Maedhros's tight opening. Maedhros had tried to gather his
strength in preparation of this, but even so, he could not help but to cry out. As soon as he
did, the werewolf's maw claimed his mouth, seeking to suffocate him even as he continued
to scream. Maedhros tore his face from Sauron's. The sharp teeth cut at his lips; the tongue
licked his cheek and then forced its way into Maedhros's mouth again. Below, the bone
had pushed itself in as far as it could go. Sauron did not withdraw for several moments,
and though Maedhros struggled to escape his grasp, Sauron held him with his black hands.

Then, when Sauron withdrew, Maedhros discovered that the shaft was barbed like that of a
cat's. He felt the skin of his anus tear and bleed. Soon after, Maedhros passed out.

Maedhros came to when a bucket of cold water was poured over his body. He was no
longer in the room with the large bed. He was in a dungeon of stone, and his wrists and
ankles were in chains. Worst of all, he was not simply chained against the wall or to a
rack. He was chained over a stone slab, with his knees on the floor and his arms and chest
stretched over the slab. His position left little doubt as to what would be forthcoming.
Leather cuffs were at his thighs and chained so that his legs were already spread. He had
been dressed, barely. A leather loincloth covered his front, and its ties about his waist and
between his legs were thin and tight.

"Now what was that lover's name that you gave me?" Sauron said thoughtfully. He was
again in fair form, but a shadow hovered ever about his form so that Maedhros was not
deceived. That fair form was clad in shiny black leather raiment and held a three-pronged
whip. "Once, it had been Maimaite, the Beautiful-handed." He loosened the wound whip
and tested it in the air. Then he put the handle of the whip under Maedhros's chin and
raised his face. "If you like, you may now call me Dark Master." He grinned.

"Nay, that was not the name I appointed to you," Maedhros said. "You are Sauron, the

Abhorred, and I will not acknowledge you as master."

"Wrong answer." Sauron stepped back and casually whipped Maedhros. The three-prongs
each marked his back, but this pain was easier to endure than last time's torment. Sauron
continued to ask him questions and to whip him when the answers did not please him.

When Maedhros's muscles contracted to endure the whipping, his loincloth cut into his
skin. Sauron circled him and pressed a hard crotch against his rear. "I can't believe how
much this turns me on. Oh, I've enjoyed torturing others, but it never brought me this kind
of a thrill." He circled back to face Maedhros. "Would you like to suck on it? You did so
before and seemed to enjoy it very much."

"Go fuck yourself," Maedhros said, or rather, he said the closest Elven equivalent. There
were very few Elven expressions that could convey Maedhros's feelings, but he'd become
a loremaster under his father's tutelage and so was skilled enough to come up with new
expressions. His tone added to the curse.

Sauron laughed. "I'd rather fuck you," he said with a chilling smile. He wasn't foolish
enough to put himself into Maedhros's mouth. Instead, he grasped Maedhros's hair firmly
and shoved the handle of his whip into Maedhros's mouth. Maedhros gagged but could not
withdraw. Sauron climbed atop Maedhros and started pressing his hardness against
Maedhros's back while continuing to hold Maedhros by the hair and shove the whip handle
into his mouth. When he tired of imagining his sick fantasies, Sauron shoved Maedhros's
head hard against the stone slab. He stood before Maedhros and undid the ties of his
leather pants to show Maedhros his dark tower. Maedhros's brow furrowed as he fought
back another gag. Sauron laughed.

Sauron circled around to Maedhros's rear and pulled the top of the loincloth so that the
thong cut into Maedhros's skin. Then he began to spank the well-formed ass until
Maedhros's flesh was red and sensitive. He circled his black hand around Maedhros's front
and tore the loincloth off. He massaged Maedhros with a skillful hand, but still Maedhros
did not harden. Maedhros was not at all amused or interested in the perverse "love" of the
foul servant of Morgoth. At last, Sauron lost his patience. He snarled, annoyed that he was
unable to provoke Maedhros. Sauron gripped Maedhros's shoulders and shoved his
member in. He pulled on Maedhros to bring himself even deeper. Maedhros did not cry
out. He knew that Sauron liked to see him struggle. He was tempted to let himself go limp,
to simply allow the penetration to happen, but he could not. He was afraid that his body
would learn to simply accept such things and that his mind would follow soon after. If he
gave in to the pain by taking the easier road, Sauron might eventually wear down his will.
So Maedhros struggled though it was a hopeless struggle. He sought to throw Sauron off.
He tried to break his chains. But he did not scream, and he did not let himself pass out.
This time, he endured his trials until Sauron tired and left him. Only then did Maedhros

When he awakened, Sauron was there, as usual. Sauron was dining at a small table.
Maedhros was chained with his arms and legs in the air this time, giving Sauron an
excellent view of Maedhros's body.

"You must be hungry. You haven't eaten for quite some time," Sauron said. He offered
Maedhros some food. Maedhros turned his head away. "Oh, that's right. The poison. Well,
what will you do? Refuse to eat until your strength has totally left you? It's not as if it'll
make a difference. You are my sex slave, willing or no. But the poison will make the
thralldom easier to endure."

Maedhros said nothing. He simply glared at Sauron.

"Not feeling conversational?" Sauron rose from his meal. He dabbed a napkin to his lips.

"Very well. I've had a long day too. Let's just get to the fun part then." He picked up the
bottle of nectar and came to stand before Maedhros. He tried to make Maedhros drink, but
when Maedhros refused and spat out what was forced into his mouth, Sauron shrugged and
poured the nectar over Maedhros's body instead.

"You're very beautiful, you know," Sauron said as he admired Maedhros with blood red
liquid staining his flesh. He nudged the wine bottle into Maedhros. Maedhros struggled,
but the chains held. His body swung as he thrashed, but Sauron didn't need to hold him
perfectly still to get the top of the bottle into Maedhros. When Maedhros was hurt too
much to fight back, Sauron pushed Maedhros's already parted legs farther apart and sucked
on his elfiness. Even soft, Maedhros was an impressive length and beautifully built.

After having his fill, Sauron lowered the chains about Maedhros's knees and ankles so that
Maedhros seemed to be sitting in the air. Then he brought Maedhros down onto his
hardness. His hands gripped Maedhros's rear and squeezed, parting the two halves.
Maedhros's weight did the rest to bring Sauron into him. Sauron pulled him up by the ass
and let him drop down onto the hard shaft again and again. Maedhros said nothing. When
he could gather enough strength, he struggled. When he could not, he let his eyes speak of
his defiance against the dark enemy. In time, the torment ended, and, tired beyond
measure, Maedhros was somehow able to sleep suspended in the air.

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Chapter 3

Read Chapter 3

Maedhros awakened to find Sauron already in him. Maedhros was on his stomach on a
bed, and Sauron was penetrating him. Sauron didn't seem to notice that he awoke. He was
caught up in the passion of the moment. His breathing was heavy and quick. He thrust in
and out of Maedhros. Sauron had actually used lubricant this time, probably to enhance his
own enjoyment of the coupling. His cock bulged, and he pressed himself against
Maedhros's shapely rear. Sauron inhaled and held his breath. His cock spilled out into
Maedhros. Then Sauron exhaled and fell onto Maedhros. After a moment, he rolled to the
side. Maedhros didn't move. He pretended to be asleep, too exhausted from his torment to
even awaken to this episode of penetration. Sauron stroked Maedhros's hair and pushed it
back behind his ear. He nuzzled that ear and moaned lightly. Then he kissed Maedhros on
the cheek and rose to attend to his duties. Maedhros stayed awake for several moments
after Sauron had left. Then he let himself rest again.

This time, Maedhros found himself stretched out on a large stone ball. Sauron's torture
device of choice this time was a simple sword. He fingered the hilt suggestively and then
stroked Maedhros's inner thigh with his black hand.

"Stop," Maedhros said. "I submit."

"Oh?" Sauron's tone made it clear that he did not believe him. He nudged the sword hilt up
against Maedhros's tree so that it seemed erect. His tongue glanced over the unwilling tip.

"Bring me before Morgoth," Maedhros said.

"You realize, of course, that if you submit to Morgoth, he will only make you my slave
instead of my prisoner," Sauron said. He engulfed Maedhros's length and sucked on it.
"Perhaps you will not treat me so roughly once I have submitted," Maedhros said.

"Hm." Sauron bit Maedhros's shaft. Maedhros's legs twitched to come together but were
held by his bonds. "I do not believe that you can submit. It's not in your nature." Sauron
licked Maedhros's length, enjoying the very taste of Elven flesh.

"I can if I let myself do so."

"Prove it." Sauron kissed Maedhros's tip and then looked up to meet his eyes. Maedhros
closed his eyes so that he could not see the fair yet foul face of his tormentor. He let his
body relax. Sauron took his shaft in his mouth again, and this time, Maedhros pushed his
disgust to the back of his mind and allowed the blood to flow to his limp member. "Mm."

Sauron sucked eagerly on the hardening shaft. Maedhros longed to draw away, but his rear
was firmly planted against the stone ball. He felt his lip curl in loathing for Sauron. Sauron
felt him softening and looked up, his mouth still around Maedhros. There was a warning in
his red eyes. Maedhros understood. He forced himself to relax again, to try to enjoy what
was happening to him.

"Good," Sauron said. He put the sword away. "I do not care if you do not enjoy this in
your mind, but if you can let your body react, then I will take you into my service." He
placed a collar around Maedhros's neck and attached to it a short chain. Then he released
the bonds about Maedhros's arms and legs. He pulled on the choke chain. "Come to me."

Maedhros came to sit by Sauron on a couch. "Beg me to fuck you."

Maedhros swallowed hard then said, "Take me, my Lord."

"No. Touch yourself. Make yourself hard for me." Maedhros bit his lip. He could feel
himself coloring slightly. He encircled himself and moved along his length. He didn't
know what to think of. Nothing appealed to him anymore. But he did allow his body to
react. His shaft hardened, and Sauron watched with greedy eyes. "Faster." Maedhros
rubbed himself faster. His ass tightened. His body started to move to the pumping of his
pipe. Sauron parted his legs so that he could have a better view. Maedhros forced himself
to not snap his legs shut. "Stop. Now beg me to suck on you."

"Suck on me," Maedhros said.

"Say it again."

"Suck on me!" Maedhros cried out. He opened his legs and thrust his cock up for the
taking. And Sauron took it. His mouth devoured the long elfiness and slobbered on it.

Maedhros moaned. "More. Oh, please, more." Sauron did so. He sucked harder. His
tongue pressed up against his shaft and sometimes explored his jewels. "Ah." Maedhros's
body glistened with sweat. Sauron enjoyed every bit of it. He left off sucking on
Maedhros's tree to lick and suck on the rest of his flesh. His tongue found its way to
Maedhros's sensitive ears. This time, Maedhros let his body enjoy that sensation.

Maedhros pressed himself to Sauron and moaned in need.

"Ride me, my Lord," Maedhros begged. He twisted in Sauron's arms so that his rear was
presented to Sauron's cock. "Ride hard." Sauron was more than happy to oblige him. He
pressed himself into the offered opening. Maedhros arched. "Harder." Sauron did harden
and pressed in deeper. He pulled the choke chain as if it were a rein. Maedhros bucked and
moved, sometimes in synch with Sauron's penetration and sometimes delightfully out of
synch. It didn't last long. With Maedhros's encouragement and moans, Sauron spent
himself quickly.

"Will you finish me off, my Lord?" Maedhros asked. He had been careful to keep himself
hard throughout the encounter. Sauron was only too pleased to see that Maedhros was hard
and took it as a sign that Maedhros had enjoyed the sex. "Ah, yes!" Maedhros cried out as
Sauron sucked on him. With some effort, Maedhros was able to banish from his mind the
pain and humiliation that he had endured from Sauron. Climaxing was much more difficult
without Sauron's poisons in his veins. But Maedhros thought back to the Days of Bliss and
the ancient friendships that he had enjoyed in his youth. "Oh, please, yes!" At last, his tree
bore fruit, and Sauron swallowed his seed. Maedhros let out a lusty sigh of content.

Maedhros's excellent acting had one unexpected side effect. Sauron was hard and hot
again. As a Maia, his rest interval between release and readiness was shorter than most
Elves. Maedhros feigned interest. He reciprocated and sucked on Sauron. He begged to be
taken once more. Sauron obliged him, of course. Maedhros endured his torment. Then,
Maedhros was permitted to rest.

The next day, Maedhros was dressed all in black and brought before the Dark Lord
Morgoth. Many fell servants of Morgoth eyed Maedhros wearily as he crossed the
throneroom, bowed gracefully, and knelt before the Dark Throne. Maedhros was fair and
powerful, and high captains like Gothmog and Orcobal feared that the Eldar, once turned,
would be ranked above them. Maedhros felt naked before Morgoth, but he took strength in
his inner fire. And though he did not call them to his aid, Maedhros took comfort at the
sight of the Silmarils upon Morgoth's Iron Crown. Maedhros kissed the floor before him.

"Lord of Middle-earth, my spirit is broken," Maedhros said. He kept his head bowed. "I
submit to you, o Great Dark Lord." He kissed the floor.

"I find it hard to believe of you, Eldest Son of Feanor," Morgoth said. His voice was
terrible and great. "Your words are smooth, but I will judge for myself if your spirit has
truly been cowed. Open your mind to me."

Maedhros was compelled to do so. Morgoth saw visions of Maedhros's early torment in
the mines of Ered Engrin. He saw Maedhros's declaration of love for Sauron. He felt
Maedhros spill out eagerly for the Maia. He saw them come together time and time again.
And he heard Maedhros submit before to Sauron. And he heard clearly in Maedhros's
mind: Morgoth, Black Foe of the World.

The Dark Lord stood, and the throneroom darkened. Even the Silmarils were obscured by
the thunderous cloud. Morgoth looked to Sauron, his chief captain, and pierced to his very
soul. Morgoth saw Maedhros's semen as a small seed of good buried deep within Sauron.
Lightning shot out from Morgoth's hand and struck Sauron.

"Black heart! So you would seduce this Elda to your own purpose. And then what? Seek to
overthrow me with his aid?" Morgoth struck Sauron again and then ordered Gothmog to
take him away. "I will deal with him later, but as for you, Eldest Son of Feanor, I will not
again allow you the chance to corrupt my servants."

Morgoth struck Maedhros and tore his clothes from him. The Dark Lord took Maedhros,
naked and quailing, to Thangorodrim. There, Morgoth grew to a great height until he was
as large as the mountain itself. He chained Maedhros's right wrist to the face of a precipice
with a band of steel unbreakable.

"Abide here now, Nelyafinwe Maitimo, Last of the Kings of the Noldor, until your very
body is worn by the harsh winds of Manwe," said Morgoth. "You will watch from here as
the Noldor pass through the Gates of Angband as my slaves. You will beg for death before
the end."

"That may be so, but your servant Sauron has taught me strength," Maedhros said. A
moment of foresight came to Maedhros, and as he spoke, he wondered if these words were
truly his own. "It may be that you will break me upon the hard rock of Thangorodrim, but
if I am ever set free, then you will see me reborn from the ashes of death, and I will be
your greatest enemy until the very end, until the eve of your defeat. Eru set in Feanaro a
fire greater than you know, and my father passed that flame onto me. If ever I should fall,
then, Dark Lord Morgoth, beware! For though the line of Kings will at last be broken, your
reign's end will be close at hand."

"Brave words, Son of Feanor," Morgoth said with a sneer. "Let us see how long your
words can keep your spirit kindled."

Morgoth left as a dark cloud. Maedhros hung from Thangorodrim as the mountain winds
tore at him mercilessly. He doubted the words of his own prophecy, for none had ever
returned from the dead, and he did not believe that he, an Elda and one less great than
Feanor, could be the chief enemy of the Dark Lord. But Maedhros took comfort in
knowing that Sauron the Abhorred was undoubtedly being tormented as well. And
Maedhros remembered how he had thought his situation hopeless when he was Sauron's
prisoner. There was no point in questioning his fate. If he was to die and rise again, first of
the Eldar to do so, then so be it.

Here, on the Precipice I am set, and I will show my Progeny. If I am cast down from this
place and yet remain safe, then I will know that, though I am Dispossessed by the Valar, I
am the Chosen Son of Eru, the Mighty All-Father.

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