Founded in 2005, the Silmarillion Writers' Guild exists for discussions of and creative fanworks based on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion and related texts. We are a positive-focused and open-minded space that welcomes fans from all over the world and with all levels of experience with Tolkien's works. Whether you are picking up Tolkien's books for the first time or have been a fan for decades, we welcome you to join us!
Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open! Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
New Challenge: Birthday Bash In honor of our twentieth birthday, we look back at twenty years of SWG history with a new poetry, image, and word prompt each day.
Mereth Aderthad Interview: Interview with Shadow by Himring Himring interviewed Shadow about their upcoming presentation for Mereth Aderthad, "The Aromantic in Tolkien," and their inspiration for pursuing this topic that is rarely covered in Tolkien scholarship.
But at the very end of the letter she spoke of one more prisoner that Elladan and Elrohir had discovered in one of the deepest dungeons of Dol Guldur, locked away behind a door unopened in so long that the hinges had rusted.
Maglor has been rescued from Dol Guldur, and now faces…
Cúrandil knows the stories, knows how their people first awoke in the water. How they came to walk the land and how the sea has called them back ever since. It is their turn to follow the call now.
Aromanticism is a topic not often covered in Tolkien scholarship, but many Tolkien characters can be read as aromantic. In this interview, Himring talks with Shadow about their upcoming Mereth Aderthad presentation "The Aromantic in Tolkien."
Stella Getreuer-Kostrouch has always felt deeply connected to the character of Elu Thingol. In this interview, Quente asks about this connection and how Stella sees Thingol as unjustly treated by many in the fandom.
Shadow spoke to Acha Rezak about her upcoming presentation for Mereth Aderthad, which reads Tolkien less as a Catholic Christian work and more as a world inclusive of many religions, especially in its focus on nature and landscapes
Part of our Themed Collection series for our newsletter, this collection features fiction, artwork, and essays that transcend the idea of Orcs as the enemy, instead considering their humanity.
One wrong decision can make a world of difference. When one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so severe that only the Valar can repair it. But will they?
Glorfindel daughter's life is in Elrohir's hands and only she remembers th eir love for each other. The fate of…
The Gardens of the Entwives are fallen, but two Entwives remain.
Around the World and Web
Tolkien Ekphrasis Week 2025
This is a Tolkien-fandom-wide event dedicated to the art of ekphrasis in Tolkien's worlds. Its goal is to illuminate the artistic surroundings of the places, people, and stories we love, in as many media as possible.
Feanorian Week 2025
Feanorian Week is a Tumblr event offering optional prompts for fanworks about the sons of Feanor and their parents.
C&C Week 2025
C&C Week is a Tumblr event for fanworks about Celegorm and Curufin. This year, the event will run from March 16-23, 2025, with prompts featured every other day.
March Challenge at tolkienshortfanworks
The challenge for March has been posted to the tolkienshortfanworks community on Dreamwidth. New participants welcome.
The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.
I absolutely adore this. I love the nod to Darth's universe. I love that the naturalist was 'in favor' with the king because of the tableware (Wedgewood!), that was a lovely little detail. The fact that the naturalist is a woman was wonderful, and her name? Heeeee.
Thanks so much, Steel! This was a lot of fun to write, and I hope GA and I will be able to continue this in the future. And while writing, I had your "Far Side of the World" sailing around in my head, too.
Oh, what a clever idea of a plot, so full of possibilities. And the names are brilliant - I particularly like the Wedgewood detail! I imagine the trip will be memorable for all concerned... Look forward to reading more.
Thank you so much, Russandol! I had a lot of fun writing this. :^) It likely will be a while before Gandalf's Apprentice and I will be able to address this, but this is a taste of what we have in mind.
Thanks so much, Raksha, for having another read, the comments and for your assistance. Yes, I'm hoping that GA and I will be able to address this story in the future. I think this has potential if I don't say so myself! However, GA has to get young Aragorn out of danger in "Sword" and Sámaril has been yammering at me of late, too! But Darwen and Isilmë, for that matter, are two characters who will not go away, I suspect.
Oh! An "appetizer"! And a very well written one, too :D I love the challenging idea of a scientist that turns out to be a woman. It's another in your rich "!verse" hint at the fact that in Tolkien's one, there are too few women that were graced with enough attention. Now it's high time we listened to what they want to say :)
Lovely story and an excellent gift for a friend. Thanks a lot for sharing.
Robinka! My apologies for the inexcusably long time it took me to reply to this. My thanks are no less heartfelt though. I'm really glad you like this. I have so many darned irons in the fan fic fire that it might be a while before I get back to this, but Darwen (and the subject of her studies) certainly is of keen interest to me!
Thanks so much, Ithilwen! I anticipate having fun with this. In The Elendilmir, I mentioned Mélamírë's treasured book (now in Sámaril's hands), which was written and illustrated by the naturalist who traveled with Tar-Aldarion so that seed engendered this fic. I give Darth all due credit for coming up with the naturalist's name so I ran with it from there.
OMG! I had almost forgotten this story. (I should have re-read before I wrote my latest bio, instead of afterwards. But I am an idiot.) Great fun. I seem to recall telling you at the time that it reminded me of the Aubrey–Maturin nautical adventures.
Hey, thanks! The poor story is languishing, but I do think of it now and then, and really would like to continue it. And of course, it connects to other pieces of the Pandë!verse. Yes! I recall that you said it reminded you of Patrick O'Brian's works. Might not be an accident. ;^)
Thanks so much! As noted in Real Time™, I'd love to pursue Lady Darwen's voyage and her observations that lead to a controversial theory. :^) Some day. Maybe when I retire!
Comments on Chronicles of the Fifth Voyage of the Númerrámar: The Loremaster Arrives
The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.