Violently Feminist Interpretations of Tolkien\'s Women
Series compiled by feanorusrex
Hey Tolkien can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, some more feminist themes??
- Series Information
Hey Tolkien can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, some more feminist themes??
Major Characters: Aerin
Major Relationships:
Genre: Drama
Fanworks in "Violently Feminist Interpretations of Tolkien\'s Women"

The Lady and the Spectre by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
Perhaps not all ghosts are evil. Written for Terrifying Tolkien Week 2017.

Forth Again, to Behold the Stars by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
Niënor Níniel puts her life back together after Túrin's death.

The Right to Rule by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
"She is purely herself, complete, Tar-Telperiën, not needing another, not wanting. She only lusts for life, the longest quality of it that she can get."

Waiting by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
Fëanor in the halls of Mandos has one request for Nerdanel.

This Hard Earth by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
Emeldir leads her people. It is not always easy.

A Dancing Queen by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
The third ruling queen is more than she seems.

The Sundering Sea by feanorusrex
Warnings: Suicide
'Erendis perished in the water in the year 985,'- Aldarion and Erendis, The Book of Lost Tales. But she did not die because she missed Aldarion.

Arien the Sun Maiden by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
Drawn as a companion to my story: Burning. Acrylic paints.

To Sleep by feanorusrex
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
"The dead call to Rían and she answers them, not wholly willingly, like a parent, roused in the night by the cries of her child, knowing that, should she ignore it, the consequences will be much worse." How she died.

Call Me Ruler by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
"Two hundred and five years she holds the scepter, vowing to outlast her enemies, and solidify her place in the history books with this, if nothing else, so that she cannot be written out, only a name on a genealogy." Tar-Ancalimë rules.

A Witchy Queen by feanorusrex
Warnings: No warnings apply
Tar-Míriel gains power for herself, finally.