This Hard Earth by feanorusrex

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Emeldir leads her people. It is not always easy. 

Major Characters: Emeldir

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 526
Posted on 5 March 2018 Updated on 5 March 2018

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on This Hard Earth

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Why does a woman's strength and courage have to be measured by a man's?

Maybe because there is no other measure.

A woman's strength and courage is different. And a woman can deal with so much more emotional and physical pain than a man. And yet men are deemed stronger in all matters?

Emeldir's plight is so harrowing here. How does she put one foot in front of the other? 

She does because she must. If she gives up, her people are lost. She feels she has a responsibility to guide them, no matter what she wants.

Very powerful!

Thank you for sharing.