Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Whenever he came to visit, or when they were in company together, Elwing was aware of Finrod watching her, searching her face as though he was looking for something. (A double-drabble)
So November 2's prompt from Nancy Stohlman was "Write about a man who has at least three cats." I can think of several of my Elves who I headcanon as having cats, but while 'man' could just mean 'male', I took it to mean Man, and weirdly the first one that came into my head as possibly having many cats was...Beren. I don't have any reason for this, except that Huan loves him so it would be funny for him to also be a cat person
Morwen departs for Dor-lomin, with Rian and some other refugees of the House of Beor, while Emeldir and others remain in Brethil.
Emeldir in the Battle of Sudden Flame.
Emeldir leads her people. It is not always easy.
At long last, Emeldir leads her people into the forest of Brethil.
Even in the absence of many words about her in the text, Emeldir's story stands on its own merits.
Barahir and Emeldir try to hold their ground against the encroaching darkness from the North. (Barahir/Emeldir)
Drabbles and short stories about the House of Bëor and their elves. Mostly light-hearted addendums to Hold Fast Ere Night Comes and other stories set in Dorthonion before the Dagor Bragollach.
Fragments of a letter sent by the wife of Barahir to the High King of the Noldor upon her arrival in Brethil.
Now added: an account of their discovery by Erestor.