Twenty-Two Words You Never Thought Tolkien Would Provide by darthfingon
Posted on 1 May 2009; updated on 8 March 2021
This article is part of the newsletter column Linguistic Foolery.
Fair warning: some of the listings herein are of a biological or personal nature and may cause offence to those with delicate sensibilities. If you don't want to read about Elvish wee-wees and hoo-hoos, stop reading now and scroll on by.
You read it correctly. I have assembled here twenty-two words you never thought you'd see on any Elvish wordlist, ranging from silly to vulgar. All of these are found in Tolkien's earliest material: the Qenya and Gnomish Lexicons. Because of this, the words listed here are not necessarily compatible with later Quenya and Sindarin. So you won't want to be using any of these in your fanfiction; they could very well be either wrong or inappropriate in your context. The words are listed for purposes of reference and hilarity only.
One brief digression before we get onto the good stuff. In last month's column about food, I missed two items: tea and sugar. So you can now sleep soundly at night knowing that Elves can drink sweetened tea.
Now, all of the words listed below are from three different publications: Parma Eldalamberon 11 (the Gnomish Lexicon), Parma Eldalamberon 12 (the Qenya Lexicon), and Parma Eldalamberon 13 (Gnomish Lexicon Slips and Early Noldorin Fragments). For citation purposes, they are listed as 11, 12, and 13. A citation of 11-45 means PE11 page 45, in case you want to look it up and make sure I'm not fibbing. A G before the word indicates that it is Gnomish (which later became Sindarin); a Q indicates that the word is Qenya.
22) Drunken (G balfaug 13-138)
Loosely translated, this means 'thirsty in an evil way'. Clearly, somebody has gone overboard and consumed too much wine.
21) Vomit: to vomit (G hich- 13-163, Q qama- 12-76)
This may very well be what happens as a result of the previous word. 'Nausea' is also listed.
20) Feces (Q muk 12-63, G gorn 11-41)
We all knew they did it. We just thought Tolkien was too polite to make up a word for it. Apparently not.
19) Urine (Q mis 12-62, G piglin 11-64)
And, of course, it would be silly to have a word for poop but not for pee.
18) Louse (G gwef 11-45)
Do Elves get lice? I don't see why not. They have a word for 'louse' right here. One more thing to make the Siege of Angband more uncomfortable.
17) Shave: to shave (G thas- 11-72)
You may well ask why Elves needed a word for 'shave'. How's that for a plotbunny?
16) Temple (G alchar 13-109, Q alkar 12-30, Q korda 12-48)
There are actually quite a few religious ideas showing up in the early wordlists, including 'temple', 'shrine', 'sacred fire', 'idol', 'blessed', 'worshipful', and more. These date back to a time when the word Vala was translated as 'god', indicating that, at one time, Tolkien did envision the Elves as having a pagan-style religion.
15) Government (G gomaithri 11-41)
I was hoping to come across a word for 'politician' or 'bureaucrat', but alas I had no luck. This was the best I could find.
14) Lawyer (G fedhirweg 11-34)
This almost made up for the lack of 'politician'. The Qenya Lexicon also has kos(t-): 'legal action' (12-48).
13) Ignorant: to be ignorant (G gwista- 11-46)
Not all Elves are impressive and wise, and they have a specific verb to illustrate this fact.
12) Poverty (Q oise or oiste 12-71)
Nor is Aman a perfect paradise where everyone lives in carefree happiness. Related words from the same root include 'poor' and 'lack'.
11) Bitch (G huil 11-49, Q suni 12-82)
Yes, it's literally a female dog, but in the event that anyone needs a canonical insult, here's proof that the word exists in both major languages.
10) Slave (G guinir 11-43, G drog Q norka 11-31 & 13-142, Q vartyo 12-102)
There are a few different words for 'slave', and they have slightly different meanings. Drog means 'thrall' or 'someone taken into bondage'. Guinir, on the other hand, is related to the words for 'property' and 'chattel' and doesn't have the explicit relationship to having been taken into slavery and forced to do base work that drog does. The Qenya word norka is equivalent to drog, while vartyo means both 'slave' and 'servant'.
(My personal interpretation of this is that one would use drog or norka in reference to Elves captured by Morgoth and forced into slavery, while guinir and vartyo are reserved for socially acceptable household slaves and servants.)
9) Ravish (G maitha- 13-149, Q amapta- 12-34)
The fact that there is a specific word for this in both languages, rather than simply a descriptive phrase, suggests that it happens more often than just the one known example of Morgoth and Arien.
8) Buttocks (G hacha Q hakka 11-47)
This is also glossed as 'the hams', which is somewhat more amusing. It appears to be related to the verb 'to sit down'.
7) Breast / Teat (G tith Q titte 13-154, Q tyetse 12-50)
Tith and titte are not expanded, but tyetse comes from the same root as the verb 'to give suck' and the word for 'tiny baby'.
6) Cunnus (G huch 13-147 & 163)
This appears as part of the expansion of hoith (see #3 below) and then again on its own. The second listing has the word pukku written beside it, which, though unexplained, looks like the Qenya equivalent.
5) Penis (G gwî, gwib 13-162, Q puntl 12-75)
Both gwî and gwib are translated as the Old English teors. Gwî is also listed as membrum virile, and puntl is listed as vir. All of those are just fancy ways of saying penis without actually using the word penis. The difference between gwî and gwib is that gwî is the archaic or poetic word, while gwib is presumably what one would use in everyday life.
That's right. They have a poetic word for it. Interpret that as you will.
Fun side note: the name Mandos is translated in the Gnomish Lexicon as Bandoth Gwî. The Gwî there means something entirely different (it's the Gnomish equivalent to Qenya Vê), but still. What an unfortunate homonym.
4) Semen (G gwaith 11-44, Q milt 12-61)
I guess if you have words for 'penis' and 'impregnate' (G gwectha-), you kind of need this one, too. The Qenya word is related to 'seed', while the Gnomish word is listed among words for 'male', 'manhood', 'masculinity', etc..
3) Coitus (G hoith 13-147 & 163, Q pukta 12-75, 13-147)
Yes. This word exists.
For some reason, all of the 'personal' words can be found in PE13. Hoith is listed outright, while pukta in PE12 is listed as 'a gloss that can no longer be read'. However, it appears under the root PU(HU) (generate), which also provides putse (baby) and puntl (see #5 above). An expanded description of the word hoith in PE13 confirms pukta as the Qenya equivalent.
The verbs are G hoitha- and Q pukta-, with an additional verb being G hug-. While hoitha- is translated as 'to have intercourse with; to marry', hug- means 'to copulate'.
The second listing of hoith in PE13 gives the meaning as 'coitus (one act)' and provides an alternate Qenya spelling of puhta (which is more in line with later Quenya spelling conventions). Beneath this is huis: coire (trans.), futuere, and the Q form pukse. So that gives us a third Gnomish verb: huis-.
2) Consort (G hauthwaid 11-48)
You can translate this as 'bed buddy': literally, it's composed of the elements hauth 'to lay' and gwaid 'companion'. Its second meaning is 'wife or husband', probably indicating that the person one lies with ought to be one's spouse.
And that brings us to the number one word you never thought Tolkien would provide. What do you think you would be least likely to see on an Elvish wordlist? How about this:
1) Hermaphrodite (G gwegwin 11-44)
Composed of the elements gweg plus gwin, this is directly translated as 'man-woman'. I wonder if he ever planned on using this word in a specific tale, or just created it for fun. Too bad we'll never know.
Comment by Araloth the Random for Linguistic Foolery [Ch 3]
Oh, my goodness! That's definitely not a word that I thought Tolkien would provide us with. How random. Thank you for the entertainment! :)
Comment by Olorime for Linguistic Foolery [Ch 3]
Such an interesting essay.
Comment by Russandol for Linguistic Foolery [Ch 3]
I had to laugh because at one point or another I have probably fallen into most of the pitfalls you mention. And it does not take me half an hour to come up with a name, but half a week! Thank you very much for listing all the good points to check!!
The PDF link goes to the 22 words essay. Not sure if it is you or the webadmin who needs to fix it?
Comment by Taylor17387 for Linguistic Foolery [Ch 3]
Interesting list. It's noteworthy how all the raunchy words disappeared in the late lexicons, together with the not-so-Christian concepts. There's this entry from the Etymologies of the 30's though, just in case you want to add it (from Vinyar Tengwar 46: "Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies part two":
YER- feel sexual desire. Q yere, N ir
Comment by Amy Fortuna for Linguistic Foolery [Ch 3]
I've found this list of 22 words very inspiring indeed! As someone who is intersex myself, I'm intrigued by the thought that Tolkien came up with a word for it, and wonder if he intended to use it in any way - the existence of the word itself seems to contradict what he says elsewhere about sex being an innate part of a person!
I do wish, however, that you had defined 'gwegwin' as 'intersex' rather than 'hermaphrodite' as, technically speaking, our species can't be actual hermaphrodites (as in, have two working sets of sexual organs at the same time), and, socially speaking, the term is considered misleading and offensive.
There are a wide variety of intersex conditions, and I would imagine that Elves, just like Men, could have any of them. But I wouldn't like to see stories out there where the concept of 'gwegwin' is used to justify mpreg or claim that Elves have two working sets of genitals or something - it feels too much like using the concept of intersex for titillation.
Obviously this was posted several years ago now, so I'm aware it probably won't be updated, but to anyone who is interested in writing about gwegwin and reading these comments - please do some research into intersex conditions at least before making stuff up for your fanfic.
Comment by NelyafinweFeanorion for Linguistic Foolery [Ch 3]
I just saw this thanks to a tumblr post referencing it! I have seen a few of these words referenced off and on in posts. This is a bit more comprehensive list of the unexpected ones. But I must say it made me laugh to think of the Gwaith i mirdain with the listed definition of gwaith! Bit of a risqué pun there Celebrimbor.
Educational and hilarious....
I had read this previously, but happy to have found it again thanks to Discord. Not sure, if I start writing, that I'm brave enough to use them.