Ribbon-Cutting Instadrabbling by Lindariel

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Barad Eithel, 260 First Age.  Prompts:  moss, knight, fearless, red-gold.

Exhausted, the scout sank back onto her bed. Three healers elbowed Findekáno out of the way as they applied moss to her wounds. He touched her hand once, then withdrew to the other end of the room where the king and his advisors waited.

"Mounted archers!" said Findekáno to his father. "Give me four companies of mounted archers. We will surround this great red-gold worm and kill it from afar."

"You will need cavalry protection," Nolofinwë replied.

"That's what the knights are for," asserted Findekáno. "If we say I will take only the fearless, they will all scramble to volunteer."

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