Instadrabbling at the Ribbon-Cutting Event by elennalore

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Silvergifting drabble

It was a perfect day for picnic. Celebrimbor arranged it all. They had three hours before the Gwaith-i-Mírdain meeting. No time to go outside the city walls, but fortunately Ost-in-Edhil had many parks with sunlit lawns. They spread their blanket under a tree. Celebrimbor took hastily made sandwiches from a basket. Annatar opened wine and poured it in two glasses. Afterwards, Celebrimbor made him a daisy chain and put it on his head.

“You’re such a riddle,” Celebrimbor said. “I’d like to learn to know you better.”

Annatar just smiled. There was much he wanted to say, but not today.

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